BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th June



What is your full name?

Vilma Nicole Santos.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Vimla.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, of course, here is my card.

Where are you from?

I’m from here, in Manila.

Do you work or study?

I just started working, I graduated last summer, but now I want to do IELTS to go and study abroad next year.

Do you live in an apartment or a house?

I live with my parents in our family home – it’s a large house in the suburbs of Manila.

Do you like your home?

Of course, I love it, I’ve lived there all my life and it is a very special place for me.

What kind of house would you like to have in the future?

I would really like to have a house like my parents I think. Maybe when I get married, but if I move to another country maybe I will change my mind and decide on something different.


Describe a time when you visited a farm.

You should say

– When and Where?

– What did you see at the farm?

– How was your overall experience?


Well, there is a common characteristic of villages, but urbans usually do not get the chance to visit farms and experience them.

I too had never seen a farm until lately when I visited my uncle who is a farmer living in a small village. I went there to spend a few holidays to experience life in the countryside. During my stay, my uncle took me to his farm where he grows seasonal vegetables.

I was amazed to see as I experienced it for the very first time in my life. It was a huge farm with green vegetables all around and the scenery was extremely captivating. It was very peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. I took few photographs here with my uncle to preserve the memories. My uncle also offered me few fresh vegetables like carrot, radish and tomato to taste, and I was grateful to my uncle to make me taste farm-fresh vegetables.

In fact, he also made me familiar with the farming process right from the beginning till harvesting. He also told me how farming practices have changed over the decade and the benefits and drawbacks that have brought to agriculture. In his farm, he has a huge garage, where he keeps all the machinery and made me understand how different machines help him in farming.

It was interesting to know because he alone takes care of a twenty-acre farm with machines. On my special request, he gave me a ride on a tractor which was quite adventurous, I can never forget the wonderful time I had at the farm with my uncle. And now I wish to visit farm more frequently.


Do you think that farming will will look different in the future or stay the same?

At first this seems like a tough question to answer. Especially if you have no interest whatsoever in farming. However, this is a fast moving industry so there are some exciting developments you can talk about.

Is farming important for your country?

Very! It’s one of the biggest indutries in my country. Many people still live in the country and earn their living from working the land – even though that may be changing now – we have a long history of agriculture.

The main crops that are grown here include rice and corn, sugarcane, bananas, pineapple, mangoes and coffee and then there are some farmers who also produce other crops such as abaca which is like a banana plant and peanuts as well … and also some eggplant, onions, garlic … and I’m sure there are many more as well … oh and of course we also grow rubber and cotton too. So yes, farming has always been very important here in my country.

What measures should we take to protect our nature?

One of the problems in this country is that there has not been enough funding and investment in irrigated land and protecting the soil which has been damaged over many years by using various pesticides and fertilizers which have now resulted in land which produces less than it did in the past.

There is also a trend happening at the moment where many rural farmers are actually selling their land to developers and they are constructing residences or golf courses on the land. The farmers need the money and this is happening rapidly at the moment, so the government really should have some kind of plan to make sure that the countryside is protected and will not be overdeveloped.

I’m not sure what measures exactly could be put in place, but there needs to be some kind of environmental policy which protects or limits the rate of development of such land or we could be making more problems for ourselves in the future.


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