BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June



What is your full name?

My name is Harmeet Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Harmeet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?

I think that many people rely too greatly on machines. They seem to forget that there are people around them. It is easy to become completely absorbed in computers or phones or PDAs or MP3 players. People will more often turn to their machines for entertainment rather than spending time with others or getting exercise.

What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?

There are some advantages to using modern home and office equipment. One of the main ones is that more things get done and often we can complete projects and assignments very quickly. We are also able to do things that we wouldn’t have been able to do before, like working at home. Also, because we are able to finish tailings quickly we have more time for other activities that we wish to do.

What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever discovered?

I think that the most important discovery was electricity. Without electricity we would not have any of the modern equipment that we have today. We would be unable to have phones, computers, lights, TVs. refrigerators, or music players. Electricity runs almost everything in our houses and work areas today.

Does it rain much in your country? (Where? When?)

I would say yes. It rains a lot in the summer when tropical storms strike our country. There is torrential rain in the region in June, July and August, and the rainfall tends to be higher in the North than in the South.

Is there any part of your country where it doesn’t rain much?

To tell you the truth, I have no clue about this. I do not give a hoot about geography and the amount of rain in my country. I think the most rainfall is in the North where there is an intricate system of rivers.


Describe a person who wears unusual clothes.

You should say

– Who is he/she?

– How do you know him/her?

– What kind of clothes he/she wears?

– Why do you consider that his/her clothing choices are weird?


Well, most people prefer to wear clothes in fashion because what they wear reveals a lot about their personality but, there are few who wear different or unusual clothes and I would take this opportunity’ to talk about “Ranveer Singh” a famous Bollywood personality.

Who always or mostly wear unusual clothes. Like million others, I am a great fan of this film star and I frequently follow him on social media such as twitter, facebook. At the same time, I follow him in news a. well. I must say his dressing style is so different that I have never seen him dressed up as a normal guy.

There are so many things that makes his outfits uncommon and unusual. Firstly, if I talk about the choice of colors most men prefer to wear sober and light colors such as white, grey, blue, black. But, this guy mostly wear vibrant and florescent colors You can see him wearing orange, green, red and yellow in most public ceremonies.

At the same time, where most men give preference to plain fabric with some checks this guys choose Floral and geometric  prints which are totally uncommon when it comes to mens dressing. Now it may sound funny but recently . he was at an award ceremony and lie A there he was wearing a Jacket with a Pallazo.

Similarly, when was lately invited on a reality show on television. He was wearing a skirt with a t-shirt that shows that his dressing is influenced by women fashion What I personally believe he wants to be a trend setters. He wants to change the perception of society that like women, men can also try different type of clothing and different style of clothing.


Where do Indians normally buy clothes?

Well, people visit a variety of shops and a mall to buy clothes. People who are not friendly with online shopping prefer to buy clothes from the local market but the young generation purchases clothes from online websites. People buy home-wear clothes from the street market because only street shops provide clothes at a very low price.

The difference between men’s and women’s choices of clothes?

Girls and boy children look the same, so they wear similar dress types, but as adults, there are body type differences, so they preferred to buy those clothes that suit their bodies and make them more attractive and give them a professional look. Another difference is the colour selection. Men mostly buy blue-white, grey and brown colours but women like bright colour such as pink, red, orange, green.

Do clothes affect people’s mood?

Not even I but several studies show our mood can be affected depending on what we wear. Memories or emotions attached to our clothes can evoke excellent or bad feelings when we wear them. When a person, especially a woman, wears a new dress and gives her good comments, she always remembers it whenever she wore the dress. On the other hand, in some places such as office and hospital employees have to wear uniforms, and it doesn’t matter they like it or not at that time some people feel uncomfortable and sad.


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