BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June



What is your full name?

My name is Rashika Rana.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashika.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you make a list when you shop?

Yes, I always make lists before going shopping because I do not want to spend extra money on unnecessary things. The list helps me to control my budget.

Do you make a list for your work or study?

I am a student, so it is essential to make a list of all subjects and divide time accordingly. I make lists for week wise and set time for each subject. I get good grades in exams because I always follow the list properly. I work in a school/ IT company. I make lists for every day’s work, but according to the situation. I make changes in it or sometimes I cannot follow the list.

Why don’t some people like making lists?

Honestly speaking. the list is beneficial for those people who forget their work or things, but it wastage of time for those people who remember things very well. So that’s why some people do not make a list, as they handle they all work very well.

Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?

In this technological era, every human has its own phone. so I think making lists on the phone is better than a paper list because sometimes paper may misplace but the phone cannot.


Describe a bag you want to own.

You should say

– What kind of bag is it? 

– Where you want to buy it?

– How much will it cost you?

– Why you want this kind of bag?


Bags are not a must-have item for me. I use a backpack for convenience. However, I am spending some time getting to know more about bags nowadays because I want to buy a new bag.

I am a student, so I mostly use a backpack because I put heavy stuff inside, such as books, water bottles, and laptops. I do not have any bag parties. So I want to buy a party type bag such as a clutch or handbag, which might have two pockets only inside and plain texture or have little stones on the front side.

Nowadays, all things are easily available on the internet at an affordable price. So I would like to buy bags through online websites. Online shopping sites offer a considerable discount such as 50%/ 60% to 80% discount on branded products. That is why I prefer to buy a bag online. In fact, I already started watching bag images and videos online between the range of woo to 1500.

I mostly use a backpack regularly, but I do not have a bag for special occasions, so I want to buy a black color clutch.


Why do you think women like to buy bags?

Women like to buy bags because they are convenient and safely carry their makeup, keys, credit cards, etc. Also, women consider bags a style statement, and it helps them complete their overall look. Some women like to buy the latest in trend bags and coordinate their bags with their outfits.

Is the backpack practical in life?

Yes, backpacks allow you to be comfortable and hands-free. They don’t put much strain on the body and can be easily carried for hours.

Why are some people willing to buy expensive bags?

Some people are willing to buy expensive bags because they are made from good materials and last longer. Some people buy expensive designer bags because they associate them with status and like to flaunt them in front of friends and relatives.


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