BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st June



What is your name?

My name is Intario Rapdo.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you read magazines?

Yes, I read magazines. Reader’s Digest is the one I usually read.

Who prefers to read magazines – younger or older people?

I think it is a matter of personal choice and is not related to age.

Have you ever read online magazines?

Yes, I have read online magazines. But I prefer traditional printed magazines to online ones.

Did you read magazines when you were young?

No, I didn’t read magazines, but I read comic books and other children’s books when I was young. I started reading magazines in my late teenage years.

What kinds of magazines are popular in your country?

There are many types of magazines popular in my country, like fashion magazines, sports magazines, housekeeping magazines, automobiles magazines, art & craft magazines and many more.

Do you often travel by boat?

No, I don’t often travel by boat. I don’t live in the coastal area and where I live people do not travel by boat. Boating is done only in places with water such as the Sukhna Lake.

Have you ever been on a boat while you were on holidays (on vacation)?

No, I have never traveled to a coastal area for holiday. I never got a chance.

Have you ever been on a boat tour while you were on holidays?

No, I have never been on a boat tour, but yes, I did boating once then I went to Chandigarh to visit my relatives. They took me to the SukhnaLake.

Would you like to go on a boat tour? (Why? / Why not?)

Yes, I would definitely like to go on a boat tour. I think it would be great fun. My relatives live in USA. They told me that there’s a cruise to Alaska. One day I would love to do that cruise.


Talk about a special date in your countryhistory

You should say:

– What is it?

– Why is it?

– Explain it briefly.


Well, I live in India which is a diverse country. There are many particular dates in India’s history such as 15th August as Independence Day, 26th January as Constitution day, and 2nd October as Gandhi Jayanti and so on.

But here I would like to talk about a special date 23rd March which is the death date of martyr Shaheed Bhagat Singh. He was the freedom fighter of India who fought with the British government before the freedom of India. 23rd March is a national holiday.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh was very brave and confident since his childhood. He wanted to do something to get freedom from the British government. He joined Freedom Association which did various activities to defeat British officers. In this, he met with two other freedom fighters named Sukhdev and Rajguru.

These three made a plan and threw the bomb in an assembly in Lahore. This explosion was never for killing anyone because it was only thrown to put lacs of screams of Indians in the ears of the British government. After this explosion, they did not run from there and arrested by British officers. Court punished them and ordered them to hand them. After this, Indian people got awareness and started a fight against the British government to go back to their country, Britain.

As a result of it, India got freedom in 1947.On 23rd March; several functions organize in India, especially in Punjab. Also In my school, a programme organizes every year to recall the memories of martyr Bhagat Singh. I visit over there each year and gain knowledge about Shaheed Bhagat Singh.

All in all, this date is special in India’s history because it is related to a great martyr Shaheed Bhagat Singh who helped us to get freedom from cruel British officers. I believe, everyone should be like that brave martyr.


What important event do you think might take place in the future?

I believe there are certain events that are bound to happen in the future. Women are important and brave everyone gives respect but, in some areas, females do not have the same right. I think in future that areas will be change and women power will definitely come as well as, India and Pakistan fighting over the case of Pakistan and the case will be solved very soon.

Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

Definitely, it is the best and cheap way to learn about history with it, we learn anywhere anytime. On the internet, many types of websites related to history and people get proper knowledge as well as, see animation videos and photos.

Do you think the history subject is important for students?

Yes, it is necessary for students they know about the history and all school provide a history subject for every class with it, scholars get proper knowledge. It will very useful for students for high-level exams and competitions.


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