BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June



What is your full name?

Well, I’m “Sameer Garg”

Can I see your ID?

Of course! Here it is. 

Where are you from?

I’m from Delhi, the National Capital Of India. It’s a beautiful city with various traditions. As it is surrounded by a variety of people, it has the best food items and infrastructure in India. Besides that, Delhi is the fastest growing city in India with a blend of modernization and traditional cultures.

Do you work or study?

At present, I’m at university studying for a Bachelor’s of computer science degree. There’s just about a year and a half left to graduate. But if I get good grades in my finals, I’ll probably pursue a Master’s degree.

Do you like to eat at home or eat out?

To be honest, I lead a busy lifestyle and I think cooking requires a lot of time and effort, so I usually eat out. However, I really enjoy eating at home because I can spend quality time with my loved ones.

How often do you go out with your friends?

Well, I’d say that I hang out with my friends on a weekly basis. Every time we have days off, we grasp the chance to gather at a coffee shop and chit-chat about this and that.

When was the last time you went out with your friends? & What did you talk about?

Well, it was last week when we threw a party at my close friend’s house to celebrate her birthday. We had a whale of time at the party and didn’t want to go home at all. So, we decided to stay and had a chit-chat all night about our favorite topics like shopping, traveling, etc.


Describe a public park you went to.

You should say

– Where is the park located?

– Why did you go to that park?

– Who was there with you?

– How did you feel in that park?


Well, I am a sporty man, so I usually go jogging in the public parks in the vicinity of my house. Today, I’m gonna tell you about the nearest park I went to just a couple of weeks ago which is Botanical Park.

This large park was established decades ago with many different areas for different age groups and interests. The last time I was there, I saw people do all kinds of things there like playing badminton, having picnics, etc.

At the top of the hill in the park, there is a beautiful old house which is a great place for just sitting and contemplating while looking at the beautiful flowers. Also, there is a children’s paddling pool where families can safely take their kids to cool down in the height of summer.

Living in a vertical city where millions of high-rise buildings were constructed, I felt really relaxed every time I went to the park. The last time I visited this park I luckily had chance to join a inspiring event there and it really lifted up my spirit because I just went through a nerve wrecking period and was buried with a tons of deadlines and projects. I truly hope that down the road I can spend more time at the park to get back to nature, or just simply sit on the grass and chill out without being disturbed by noise or other trivial things.


What should the government do to protect the environment?

In order to protect the environment, the government can impose laws to protect the environment and create regulations to enforce those laws. They can set up a campaign on environmental protection and ensure that every citizen is aware and educated about it. Conscious citizens will modify their lifestyle  to help save the environment.

Do you think these measures will help protect the environment?

Yes, definitely. The governments should work together to combat these environmental problems before it is too late. They must educate every citizen to take necessary action to protect the environment. At the individual level, people must volunteer for clean-ups in the community. We must avoid using plastics and use reusable bags, plant tree saplings and use less electricity. We need to take proactive steps.

Do you think people now have better awareness of environmental protection?

Maybe yes, everyone is concerned about environmental pollution and are taking necessary measures to protect the environment. They gather in groups, pick up litter, clean the beaches of plastic wastes, and run charity events to protect the environment.


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