BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th June



What is your full name?

My name is Radhika Shikhavat.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Radhika.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like sunshine?

I like sunshine, definitely. In fact, summer is my favorite season of the year when we can get more sunshine than in the other seasons. There are just so many things that I can do when it’s sunny.

What do you do on sunny days?

I usually stay indoors because sunny days in Vietnam or other tropical countries are often very hot. I try not to go out on such days; otherwise, I’ll sweat like a pig.

Do you like going outside on sunny days?

I love hanging out in parks and other open spaces when it’s sunny. This kind of weather is ideal for outdoor activities so I rarely stay inside on sunny days. If I do, I’ll feel like I’m missing out on something.

Have you ever used sunscreen?

I certainly do, on a daily basis. Scientifically speaking, ultraviolet rays from the sun can speed up skin aging, which makes us look less attractive or even makes us more prone to skin cancer . That’s why I wouldn’t leave the house without putting on sunscreen.

Does sunshine change your mood?

I do think that there’s a relation between the weather and how I feel. On sunny days I tend to feel energetic and active while on cloudy or rainy days I usually feel rather moody and frustrated. In general, I feel better and get more things done on the days when there’s lots of sunshine.

Do you prefer to live in a place where there’s more sunshine or less?

I would obviously choose to live in a place with a lot of sunshine. It’s not to say that I don’t like places where it’s dark or gloomy most of the time. I wouldn’t mind visiting them for a change but to live in those places, I don’t think so.

Do you think there are any dangers from sunshine?

Well, as far as I’m aware, too much exposure to the sun can do some certain damage to the skin and it can even cause skin cancer. And also, even though I love sunshine, I try to avoid being in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise I’ll feel dizzy or dehydrated.

What things are hard to do in sunshine?

Well, there are not many things that I can think of that you can’t do in sunshine. I mean, if you’re into something like dancing or taking a walk in the rain, no, you can’t do it on sunny days but apart from those things, you can do literally anything else in sunshine.


Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work

– Who advised you?

– What advice did he give?

– Are you happy with the advice?


Everyone faces situations when one is in a dilemma and needs help in deciding things. I remember, after my schooling, I was confused about what course should I opt for my further studies as I did not want to opt for traditional courses like engineering or medicine. I wanted an option which would provide me a bright future and at the same time should be interesting as well.

I searched a lot on the internet about alternative courses and colleges but as there was too much information, i got more confused. So, I decided to consult my elder sister who is living in Canada. She is working in the Media and entertainment industry. When I asked her for advice, she suggested me to pursue a course in Animation as she knew about my interests in this field.

She also suggested me some good colleges in Canada for this course and she explained me about the job opportunities that I will get after completing this course. Animation is quite popular these days and in future there will be a huge demand for people who are certified in this field. My family also liked the idea when I told them that I have finally decided to pursue a course in Animation. So, this was the advice that my sister gave on a crucial decision of my life.


Which do to think is better: to voluntarily give advice or to wait to be consulted?

It depends on the situation. Parents should voluntarily give advice, but other people should wait to be consulted. Uninvited advice is not taken in the good light.

Do you think the advice of teachers is more important than those of parents?

The advice of both teachers and arents is important in its own way. Parents know the temperament of their children and so can advise accordingly. Teachers can identify the strong and weak point of the student and advise accordingly.

Do you think teachers should be trained to give advice?

Yes, teachers who are trained as counsellers can give advice. But, good teachers are role models of students and their advice is followed.


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