BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd July



May I know your full name?

My full name is Bhupinder kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bhupinder.

Can I see you ID?

Here is my passport.

Where do you come from?

I am from Phagwara.

Do you like robots?

Yes I like robots as they can do so much for us these days. There are simple robots to clean the houses and sophisticated ones to perform surgeries.

What kind of robot would you like to have?

Recently, I have heard about a robot that cleans your home. I would like to buy one. It is like an automatic vacuum cleaner that picks up the dirt from all the nooks and corners.

Will robots change society significantly?

Yes, robots will bring changes in society. In fact, they have already done so. Most of the jobs that were done manually earlier are now performed with the help of robotics and with more precision.

Do you play any indoor games?

Yes, I play carom board and cards with my siblings and parents.

Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

It depends on the weather outside. On hot summer afternoons, I play indoor games. But, when the weather is good, I play cricket and badminton outside with my friends.


Describe a film or a TV programme which has made a strong impression on you.

You should say:

– what kind of film or TV programme it was, e.g. comedy

– when you saw the film or TV programme

– what the film or TV programme was about

– and explain why this film or TV programme made such an impression on you.


These days, when most of us are tremendously busy, it is really hard to make some time for watching any kind of TV. But, luckily, I was free one evening about a month ago, and that’s when I got to watch a nice programme on TV. Thank you for this interesting cue card topic.

The TV programme, I watched, was a comedy show which is probably aired every week. I knew that there was such a programme on TV, but I never really got a chance to watch it (not that I was really interested to watch it or something), simply because either I am too busy helping my wife or talking with my sister, who lives in a foreign country, over the phone. But, on that evening, everything was a bit unusually quiet on all fronts, and that’s when I took the TV remote and started to play with it by changing one channel after another. Suddenly, I got stuck with one channel where that comedy programme was being shown.

Anyway, the comedy show was about a “nanny” who was helping a rather wealthy family raise 3 of their very young children. The comedy show, very nicely, albeit comically, depicted the values and emotions of a rich family where children were just too tired to behave like “rich”, and instead, they wanted to behave like their old “nanny”. But, of course, the old nanny wasn’t at all interested in teaching the children the “funny, old values” of poor people like herself since, as the nanny put, she was not being paid any extra money to behave like a “poor” person!

Anyway, the comedy show made such a strong impression on me, mainly because it nicely showed how little children care about the artificial difference between the rich and poor that the so-called rich people so passionately and carefully try to preserve. Besides, the programme also showed how being happy was more important than actually becoming rich and famous.


Do you think people are going to the cinema more these days compared with 25 years ago?

Umm…No, I don’t think so. I think that today TV and videos and DVDs actually have replaced often what people used to go only going to the theatre. A few years ago when I was younger, I remember, there were a lot of people going to the cinemas and it was packed, and the same movie was left there for weeks and weeks and weeks where now normally, a show in the same cinema for a lot less.

Do peoples taste in films change as they get older?

I think so; I think so- I think movies also a little mirror of how we change in life, what interests us and what we see in them. And um ah, as you know, in our 20s we are perhaps a little more romantic and we like certain kinds of movies, and then perhaps we like to think a bit more about our life… and we see different kinds of films.

Has technology made a difference in the quality of modern films?

I think so, yes, a big difference. Um the effects now seem to really suck you in when you see a movie. And the way the film edited, they also keep your attention a lot better than in the past. You can see the way that they are put together, and also the sound quality is a lot better, and umm I think there’s been certainly, technologically speaking, a big improvement there.


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