BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July



What is your full name?

My name is Sameer Perry.

Can I see your ID?

This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I live in Bombay.

Do you work or study?

I have recently completed a master in InTechnology from information technology from Pune University.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?

Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning, I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

Do you wear caps and hats?

SometimesI wearthe cap fortwo reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Did you wear hats as a child?

Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.


Describe a time when you changed your opinion.

You should say

– When was it?

– What was the original opinion?

– Why you changed it?

– And explain how you felt about it.


I think changing one’s opinion is really hard for some people. But I think it is much better than staying stagnant and being obstinate and stubborn. I have changed my opinion about different things. But I don’t do it easily.

I change my opinion only when I am presented with, or I come across a logic which I find factually correct and which contradicts with my previous beliefs. An opinion I changed a few years ago was the about relevance of history. In my childhood, I strongly believed that studying history was a waste of time. It doesn’t teach us anything, and it actually takes away time from subjects like science and math, which are really useful. But when I entered 10th grade, my history teacher opened my eyes to the wonderful world of history.

She related each historical event with a situation at present. She told us how by reading history or analyzing history, policymakers and administrators could better handle a particular situation. We can lead a lot of better lives if we pay attention to history. She also threw light on our common Indian traditions and their origins in history.

It made me realize traditions are much more than just superficial customs practiced for pleasing elders. Some traditions actually have scientific backing, for example, water is stored in copper vessels as the copper ions dissolve in water and purify the ions. With each class, my interest in history and my opinion about history being useless changed. Now, rather than opposing history education, I ardently support it.


Do children like to change opinion?

I think they do, but it is hard for them. I think children are more emotional than adults, and this means that they form an opinion based on emotions. Emotional decisions, in turn, are very hard to change because it hurts our ego when we change them.

Why do people change opinion?

People change opinion when they find contradicting evidence against their previously held opinion. If they don’t change, they suffer from guilt and thus, although they may resist at first, they slowly do change.

Who do young people turn to for advice?

I think young people mainly turn to family or figures of authority like teachers and school counsellors for advice. Some youth also turn to their peers for suggestions. Whom they turn to for advice depends upon the matter concerned and the decisions relevance in their lives.


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