BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July



What is your full name?

My name is Gurman Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Gurman.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you often read newspapers?

Yes, I often read newspapers. I read the newspaper every day. I come to know what is happening around me and in the world.

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

I prefer reading newspapers because I like to know what is happening around me.

What kinds of(types of)newspapers(or magazines)do you usually read?

My father has subscribed to the Tribune. So I read that daily. It is a National newspaper, but has a maximum circulation in Punjab.

How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

I remember I was 10 years old when I started reading the newspaper. I started from the sports section.

Do you think it’s important to read newspapers?(Why?/Why not?)

It is very important to read newspapers. We feel connected with the whole world.

Why do (you think) people read newspapers?

People read newspapers to know what is happening around them. They also read newspapers for the international news. They also read newspapers for the employment advertisements and matrimonial.

What different types of newspaper are there in India?

There are broadsheets and tabloids. There are newspapers in English, Hindi, Punjabi and other regional languages.

Do you care about the news?

Yes, I care about the news. I think news is very important. We should be aware of what is happening around us and in the whole world.

What kinds of news do Indian people read in newspapers?

Indian people like to read fall types of news. They read local news, National news, International news, Sports news and much other news.

Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or international news?(Why?)

I like to read domestic news as well as international news.

What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?

Some newspapers use colourful graphics. Some use very bold headlines. Some newspapers add puzzles like Sudoku and crossword puzzles to attractive readers.

What influence do you think newspapers have on society?

Newspapers have a lot of effect on society. They shape people’s opinions. Through letters to the editor they are a link between the government and people. They also entertain us.

Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?

Yes, the Internet is a really good way to get the news nowadays. People subscribe to the e-newspapers. There are many apps off the TV News channels, which help the people to be updated all the time.


Talk about a time when you heard a stranger talking over the phone.

You should say:

– When was it?

– Who was he talking with?

– What topic they were talking on?

– and explain how do you felt about it.


Ok, usually I don’t prefer to listen to someone else talk because it could be private, and seems rude. However, a few days before, I heard a person talking with his wife, unintentionally I heard him because he was talking loudly at a public place.

As he was talking in the same language as mine. I could understand each and every word of their conversation. From their communication, the other person must have his wife because they were fighting solid for 20 minutes.

He was trying to give an explanation on his mistake he made last time. The mistake was something related to his affair that she caught him red-handed making out with his x-girlfriend. His wife seemed to be unconvinced, even though he had accepted his wrongdoing and apologized for the same.

To sum up, I think I shouldn’t have listened to their communication because we are not respecting other people’s private life and we must respect their privacy. Hopefully, in the future, I wouldn’t involve in such an incident.


Some people like talking on phones in public transport, what do you think about this situation?

Personally, I don’t mind people talking over phones in public transport.  As long as their volume isn’t too high and disturbs the co-passengers, I don’t have issues with them. However, some people are too loud and become a nuisance for others. That is something I dislike a lot.

What are the bad effects of talking over a phone in public?

It may inconvenience people around the place when someone is talking over phone in a public place.  Places like museums, libraries and places of worship require peace and when someone talks over phone at such places, it is a nuisance.

Why do some people always break the rules in public places?

Some people are careless by nature. Some break rules in situation of an emergency. However, some do it as an adventure and for recreation.  Irrespective of the reason, rules are meant to be abided to and offenders should be penalized.


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