BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July



What is your full name?

My name is Manika Arora.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Manika.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Who do you trust most?

I would have to say my father. Although we have our differences, I know he is 100% someone I can count on. I feel that I could tell him any secret, and I know that he would never spill the beans (tell a secret) to anyone. He is a very trustworthy and sincere person.

What kind of people do you trust?

I trust people who are transparent, those who are open with their emotions. When I feel someone keeps everything inside, I wonder what it is that they have to hide, so naturally my trust lessens. Furthermore, I trust people who aren’t always just looking out to gain something for themselves, and someone who doesn’t have a criminal background, especially involving theft.

Have you ever lost trust in somebody?

Of course! In high school, my best friend and I were attached at the hip. We used to have sleepovers almost every weekend, until one day my mother discovered that my friend was stealing money from her savings jar. Since that day, I felt that I couldn’t trust someone who would take advantage of my mother who always opened her home to my friend.

Do you trust artificial intelligence?

That’s an interesting question. Well, I believe that technology nowadays is advanced enough to create intelligence, but I wouldn’t say that it’s equal to human intelligence. While a robot may be better on paper, they lack feelings, which leads me to believe that they aren’t emotionally and/or socially intelligent, which ties everything together. So, all in all, I’m not overly trusting of artificial intelligence.


Describe a good experience of online shopping.

You should say:

– When it happened

– What you bought

– Why you bought it

– And explain why you think it was a good experience


I’m going to talk about a recent successful online shopping experience that I’ve had. To be honest, I’ve had countless incidents in which I ordered the wrong size or the product ended up being completely different than how it appeared online, so I was surprisingly delighted with this purchase. Well, let me tell you about it.

Zara is my favorite store, and unfortunately there isn’t one currently near my house, so I decided to check out their online shopping site. I just started a professional job, so I’m always in need for more professional clothes. Zara always seems to fit me well and have classy, smart clothes, so I decided I would order a white dress from them.

Luckily, the dress was on sale for $30 instead of $50, which gave me even more incentive to buy it. The model was a lot thinner and taller than me, so I doubted it would look as good on me, but I was willing to take my chances. To my surprise, the dress fits me like a glove! Furthermore, the dress arrived in 2 days when they predicted 3-4!

This was a positive experience because now I get compliments whenever I wear the dress. The fit and style couldn’t be better on me, and I feel very tasteful when I wear it. I now know I can count on Zara to fit me. Zara has a good price to quality ratio. All in all, would recommend!


What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?

The advantages would be that it’s more convenient and saves loads of time, avoiding those dreaded lines. Furthermore, sites like Amazon tend to have secondhand items, so you can save a lot of money this way. The negatives are that you cannot try clothing on before, sometimes items don’t look the same in person, the shipping fees, and the time you have to wait for the item. By the same token, it’s a hassle to send it back if there’s an issue. So, all in all, there are more disadvantages, I’d say.

Do you think it is safe to shop online?

Depends on the site. If you use a reputable one like Amazon or the store’s website, it is generally very safe. However, buying from private sellers online, especially in their homes, can be risky. Furthermore, scams always exist online, so you never know if someone could be scamming you. I always say, if you have time, it’s better to go buy the item in person to gain more trust in the purchase.


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