BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th July



What is your full name?

My name is Jaspinder Singh.

Can I see your ID?

Sure, Here it is.

Where is your hometown?

My hometown’s in Hanoi, which is the capital city of Vietnam. It’s located in the north of the country, not really that far from the southern Chinese border.

Is there much to do in your hometown?

Oh yes, there’s certainly lots to do there as it’s a fairly big city. If you like going out in the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there are lots of other things outside of the city which are easy to reach.

What are the people like in your hometown?

They are mostly quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is often busy so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or having a chat. But if you live there you know that most people are quite happy to have a chat if they have time and will help you if needed.

What are you studying at the moment?

I’m studying history at university. It’s a four year course, and I started it three years ago, so I have just one year left. I’m enjoying it a lot so it will be sad to finish.

What do you like most about your studies?

We learn about many things from the past such as politics and wars, but I like learning about how people lived in the past the most. It’s amazing to see how our lives have changed so much from the past up until now. In some ways our lives have got much easier now, but in other ways the simplicity of life in the past made people much happier. Learning about all that is fascinating.

What do you hope to do in the future when you have finished?

I’m not sure at the moment, but I may go into teaching. This is why I’m doing the IELTS, as I intend to carry on and do a Masters in a specific area of history. I’ll probably decide for sure what to do when I have completed that.


Describe a quiz program or game show on TV.

You should say:

– What it is

– When you watch it

– What it is about

And explain how you feel about the program


I’m going to talk about a quiz show called “Who wants to be millionaire?” As it famous all over the globe, I’m sure you’ve heard of it before. It can be viewed by everyone, as it is family friendly. Well, let me tell you how it works.

At the start of the show, the contestants gather and prepare to answer a multiple choice question to decide who gets to be in the “hot seat”. Naturally, it’s the person who answers accurately within the shortest time frame.

When a contestant is selected, he or she will proceed to sit in a chair in the center and have the opportunity to answer a total of 15 questions that become progressively more difficult. For every answer that you answer correctly, you are awarded a determined amount of money.

Apparently, if you’re unsure of one particular question, you can always stop the game and go home with the money that you have allotted at that time. However, if you are willing to take your chances, you can follow your instinct and keep going. Also, there are always three “aids” you can use, for example you can call your friends for help, or choose to have half of the options eliminated.

All in all, I enjoy this game because it’s very suspenseful: it always keeps me on the edge of my seat! Furthermore, I gain knowledge from watching this show. Since I have 2 teenage children, I like that it is something that we can all watch together!


Do people in your country like to watch TV?

Too much! People in my country are definitely couch potatoes (people who like to stay on the sofa all day). Since it’s always rainy here, people tend to stay indoors and watch Netflix quite often. With a raging entertainment industry, there is always some hot new TV series coming out, which leaves people on the edge of their seat.

What games do children play nowadays?

In this technological world, children are shifting more towards video games, as well as games on their cell phones or tables. Actually, I was shocked the other day when I walked past a group of elementary kids who were all simultaneously staring away at their cell phones, lost in their games. I always get on my children to go outside and take a bike ride or a walk instead of staring at their X-box all evening long.

Are there any differences between the games children’s games and adults’ games?

Yes, to an extent. First of all, kids tend to have more energy, so they like games like tag where they can run around like crazy. Furthermore, kid’s games are usually more cartoon character based games, or educational games that work on building soft skills. Since adults already have these skills, their games are usually based on creativity or a higher intelligence level. However, there are many similarities of all games, considering most are based on entertainment and problem-solving skills.


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