BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th July



What is your full name?

My name is Vishakha Shyna.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Vishakha.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Have you ever borrowed books from others?

Yes, I have! Actually, my friends and I often have a book exchange. I see it as a waste of money to buy every book you want to read, so it’s very effective to do this! I always look forward to the books I’ll get from them.

Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Who hasn’t? It isn’t something I enjoy doing, but something that has been necessary at certain points. For example, one time my washing machine and oven broke simultaneously (at the same time), so I asked my father if he could lend me some money to get a new one. I, of course, paid him back as soon as I could.

Do you like to lend things to others?

I would say so. To be honest, I’m always skeptical when I lend money to people because I’m afraid they won’t pay me back, but I do it for family members and friends when they need it anyway. Fortunately, I have friends and family that will willingly do the same for me.

How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

Upset, of course. I am a person of my word, so I feel upset when others aren’t. I have been very irritated several times when people, especially my little sister, has borrowed something from me and lost or damaged it. However, if it wasn’t something very valuable, I try to remember that it isn’t the end of the world.

Do people feel embarrassed when they request the things back from friends?

My ears often turn red out of embarrassment when I ask things back from my friends. It’s natural because I don’t want to undermine the relationship we are having and requesting stuff back can hurt others’ pride and self-respect.


Describe a time you visited a place with friends.

You should say:

– where you went;

– what you did there;

– who you were with;

– and explain why it was a memorable experience.


Well, I spend my spare time with my friends quite often. I’d especially like to talk about a time my friends and traveled to Thailand after graduating medical school. After all those years of blood, sweat, and tears, we really deserved this trip.

I vividly a lot of details) remember this moment because as soon as we got out of our final exams, we were all aboard on the way to Bangkok. 6 of us had originally agreed upon going, but finally 2 bailed at the last minute. When I think about it, it was an experience to bond more with just this small group.

The main reason visiting there was to get away from the stress gained from studying very hard. Speaking of what we did there, it was pure relaxation and discovery. We saw everything from the majestic pagodas and kingdoms in Bangkok to the pristine, white-sanded beaches in the Phi Phi Islands. Even more than just the incredible landscapes, the kind-hearted, welcoming people were what really left their make on us.

To sum up, we truly had a blast on this trip. It was really what we needed at the.


Do you meet with your friend often?

Friends are very important in my life but, usually I meet with my friends on the weekends as well as on special occasions. With it, when we are free from work then we decide the particular place with the help of WhatsApp group. If any friend stuck in any sort of trouble then, we immediately reach that place without notice any day, night and time. we spend free time together.

Do you have any close friend and is close friendship is important?

Well, I hail from Punjab which is located into the northern part of India. In my culture, all people are very jolly nature and they also like to make friends. The most interesting thing, they always stand with their friends in any type of situation. Friendship is very important in my area because they judge them with friends and friendship. Friends choice also shows the states and thinking of any person. So according to me, friendship is a very essential part of my culture.


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