BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st July



What is your full name?

My name is Wamiqkha Shrina.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Wamiqkha.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

How do you organize your time?

Hmm, well I’m not always the most organized person, but the good thing is that I’m not a procrastinator. I always do what needs to be done first, such as my errands or work tasks. After I do what I need to do, I will then allow myself to relax.

Do you make plans every day?

No, I don’t. I’m more of a spontaneous person. I don’t like to plan every second of every day, as plans can quickly change. I only plan out what I need to do and how to get it done, but I let my social interactions come up unplanned.

Would you say you manage your time well?

More or less. I’m not the most organized nor disorganized person on the planet. However, I can say with certainty that I always complete what is asked of me. On the other hand, I sometimes can’t do things like plan vacations very well.

Are you ever late for anything?

Once in a blue moon! I am a stickler about time, so I am almost never late. When I think about it, the only times I’ve been late for work were because of a traffic jam or an accident.

Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?

No, I don’t. I think that’s too general of a question. I believe everyone organizes their time in different ways. However, young people tend to have heavy work and study schedules, so they may not be able to manage their time and tasks as well as someone who doesn’t. So, in this case, young people have to prioritize more.

What’s the biggest difficulty you have when managing time?

I would have to say my social life. As I have a demanding work schedule, I tend to lose track of time and forget to add in time to spend with my friends and family. I am looking for a way to manage this well.


Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

You should say:

– who this person was

– when you first met the person

– what the person did

– and you would like to become this person


Today I’ll tell you about how I used to want to be like my sister when I was younger. She was always the popular, scholarly type, while I was sort of the unfocused, social outcast type. I always struggled with my weight when I was younger even though I ate pretty healthily, whereas my sister always had a perfect, thin physique even while eating junk food constantly. I’ll explain it more in depth.

My sister is 2 years older than me, and we grew up together. She was always the at the top of her class, even though she studied very little. I remember her saying that she would forget to study, but still get nearly 100% on her exams, even through her college years. Moreover, she had a natural athletic ability with very little effort. She could take up a new sport and be good at it at the drop of a hat! I envied her swimming and basketball skills, especially.

Apart from this, she was the thin, pretty blonde girl that everyone wanted to be friends with, although she didn’t have to put effort into being nice to people. Another thing I looked up to her for was that it was easy for her to speak her mind. When I was younger especially, I always found it difficult to speak up even when I was being treated unfairly.

Reflecting back, I think what I most wished to inherit from her was her ability to do everything at ease. It seems like I always had to put more effort into school to get good grades, be fit, have friends, etc, so I wished those things could come easier. I especially wished I had her athletic ability, as I would like to do more physical activity.

Furthermore, I wish I didn’t have to spend countless hours studying and even meeting with a tutor to get good grades. However, as I’ve gotten older, I realize that we cannot compare ourselves to other people because we all have different strengths and weaknesses. Still, I admire her for her abilities as well as her outspokenness.


Is it difficult for Indian people to express their feelings?

Yes, I think Indian people are very polite and considerate and because of that most of them don’t express their feelings easily in public. Also, I think a lot of us care about our image more than our mental peace and so we hide our feelings.

Who do you think talk more? Children or grown-ups?

Of Course children, and there are two reasons for it. First, they are curious because of their age and this curiosity only gets satisfied by asking questions. Second, they are not afraid to speak their mind because they don’t care about being rude or to hurt others with their words. Adults also ignore children’s words because of their age and immaturity.

What do you think is the difference between boys and girls in expressing their feelings?

I believe that girls are generally more open in expressing their feelings. Boys think they might appear weak, if they show their feelings and as a result, they try to hide them. This carries on to adult life too. Most women often complain about their husbands that they are reluctant to open up.


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