BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th August



What is your full name?

My name is Anaya Gumna.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Anaya.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like flowers?

Yes, I like flowers. They are beautiful creations of nature.

What flowers do you like? (Why?)

I like all flowers as I feel that they are all very beautiful creations of nature.

Which/What is your favourite flower?

My favourite flower is Tulip.

Do you think flowers are important?

Yes, flowers are important in many cultures. Different flowers have different significance in all religions and cultures. Flowers are used to decorate, make great gifts, used in medicines and cosmetics, and there are many more such uses of flowers.

Are flowers important in your country?

Yes, flowers hold great importance in our culture. There are many flowers that are offered to the deities in temples, like jasmine, rose and marigold flowers. Lotus is our used in many celebrations, like weddings, as garlands and to decorate the venue. Many flowers have medicinal value too.

On what occasions are flowers important?

Flowers are important on many occasions, like wedding, when the bride and the groom exchange flower garlands. In most of the temples no prayer is complete without offering flowers to the deities.

Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

Yes, in my country, on almost all special occasions flowers are used. They are given as gifts and also used decorate the venue.


Describe someone you would like to study or work with

You should say:

– who this person is

– how long you have known this person

– what you have done together

– and why you would like to study or work with this person


I’m going to tell you about my friend Veronica. She is the type of friend that you know always has good intentions and would never do anything to hurt you. Furthermore, she is extremely loyal, understanding, and down to earth (not thinking she is better than others). Even though she is a highly educated and intelligent person, she would never use these qualities to be condescending to another person.

We first met back in 2016 in a month-long, intensive Spanish class in Cusco, Peru. The nature of our class there was very open, causing us to share private details about our lives and even embarrassing stories, so this made it easier to get closer as a class. We spent 7 hours a day together in that class, along with about 10 others, so I would say we got to know each other very well. When we broke into groups, we would often work together which always went well.

I felt that she was always a helpful classmate, never one to make you feel dumb for not knowing an answer. After the class, we remained close friends throughout our entire year in Cusco. During that entire time, she never did anything that rubbed me the wrong way.

With all this said, this is why I would enjoy studying or working with Veronica. I feel that she would always remain sincere, regardless of any cutthroat workplace environment or competitive or prestigious academia. Furthermore, I feel that she would always be there to help me out, and I would never worry that she would be conniving.

Lastly, I see that she is a hard-working, dedicated person, so that would make her an even better candidate. Since we already have some experience as classmates and even more as friends, this is why I chose to talk about her.


What’s the most difficult part of your study?

Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments, and students are always under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake. They are entirely predictable, and I can pretty much breeze through them with a bit of revision.

What do you like most about your school?

I guess the aspect I find most enjoyable is the environment. I mean, I get to study in English-speaking classrooms, and the facilities are top-notch; I mean, all the classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with projectors. My friends and teachers are all adorable, so, all in all, it’s a great place to study.


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