BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th August



What is your full name?

My name is Rajendra Kumar.

Can I see your ID?

Certainly, here is my passport.

Where are you from?

I’m from Ahmadabad.

Do you work or study?

I am an industrial chemist.

Do you enjoy your work? Why?

Initially, I did enjoy but with time I am losing interest.

Why did you choose a career as an industrial chemist?

I was always amazed when I learnt how first human came in contact with chemistry by then, the mysterious sparks produced when man stuck two stones together. And then, man realized that how these sparks could be transferred to wood to create a wondrous flame. The earliest chemical reaction was Fire – a mystical force to the prehistoric man. This entire chain of incidents pulled me towards this field.

Will you continue with this in the future?

I’m not sure about it because I don’t enjoy this field anymore for some reason. I started with the tremendous zeal but in the midway I feel I’m losing the traction for this line of interest. Let’s see what the future unfolds for me.

What was your favorite activity when you were a child?

As a child, we had plenty of outdoor activities because internet and computers were not that popular then. Most of the time, we spent time going to parks or visiting the zoo or playing around with friends. My favorite activity was playing cricket with my friends.

What do you think children prefer: outdoor or indoor activities? Why?

I think they like both, don’t they? But it all depends on a child. These days most of the kids are glued to the computer or the phone screen playing games on the internet or video games. There are kids who have parents keeping a check on the internet usage so they do get time for outdoor activities.

How have kids’ activities changed since you were a child?

Earlier kids had more time for their hobby classes or sports but these days with the kind of competition they are facing at the academic front which is so stressful that they barely get any time for any other extra activities.

What is politeness in your opinion?

Polite behavior helps to build relationships with people, and it is a way of respecting.

When you were a child who taught you to be polite?

Actually nobody really taught us, this came to me pretty naturally as I grew up seeing my parents being polite and giving respect to others.


Describe a city you went to with your family

You should say:

– When it happened

– Where you went to

– How it was

– And explain why you liked it


My family and I always had a dream vacation of going to New York city, better known as the Big Apple. The concrete jungle where dreams come true. I would have to say that those were some of the best days of my life. It was around Christmas time, so we really wanted to see the decked out New York that we had always seen on TV. Let me tell you how it came about.

So, by the end of 2018 we caught a flight from Portland to New York. I have to say that New Yorkers truly have the Christmas spirit. All of the city looked fairytale from Disney movies. While we were wandering around the city, we saw a huge Christmas Three full of beautiful lights and sparkling star on top. It really took us back to the Home Alone movies!

Seeing all of the Christmas decorations was the most outstanding part of the trip. Actually, it made me feel emotional to be standing there experiencing this with my family. It touched all of our hearts a lot. In conclusion, this trip took my breath away.


Do you think cities worth visiting is also suitable to live in?

Yes, I do. They are worth visiting for a reason. Whether they have iconic locations or fantastic restaurants, I would say that a city is not only worth visiting, but is also worth living. I’m a fan of the countryside too, but I always like to check out the capital city of a country too.

Do people in your country like to travel?

People in my country do love to travel a lot, mainly to Europe because you can breathe culture and history in every single country you visit, and countries are so small over there, which you can go through one of them in just 4 hours of driving, that’s fantastic!

How has travelling changed, compared to several decades ago?

Well, several decades ago, travelling was more of a luxury option for people with a lot of money. Nowadays, it has changed and become more accessible to the middle class. You can easily get a roundtrip tickets to Paris for less than 200 dollars, before, that was bananas!


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