BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th August



What is your full name?

My name is Enakita Fugie.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Enakito.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like the city you are living in now?

Yes, I really enjoy ABC city. Although it’s quite hectic, I love the liveliness of it. Apart from this, I think it’s exciting since it is developing at a rapid pace and I love the international environment. This city never sleeps!

Which city have you been too recently?

I recently visited Bangkok for a short holiday. I had about 3 days free, so I went there to visit the floating market, palaces, Buddhist temples, and vibrant city center.

Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

I would say I’m definitely a city person. I enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life, along with the endless opportunities to meet new people from all over. I feel too limited in the countryside, not to mention I’m terrified of critters.

What kinds of city do you like?

A mix of modern and old. I like when there is an old historic quarter, but also a district with skyscrapers and a more futuristic look. Moreover, I require a city with friendly people and smiles- I couldn’t live in fast-paced, robotic place like New York City for example.

Which city do you want to go to?

I’ve always dreamt of going to San Francisco. I’ve always seen the Golden Gate Bridge, charming doll-house like homes, and cable cars on TV and imagined myself there. Moreover, San Francisco seems to be a very liberal city which I would be into.


Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate

You should say:

– who you communicated with

– what the situation was

– what you said (or wrote)

and explain how you felt during this experience


I remember the first time I talk with other people in English happened when I was a middle school student.

One day, my mom heard from her colleagues that there was an English Corner that would be held twice a month near our apartment. So she encouraged me to go for practicing English-speaking skills. Actually, I was not willing to do that. But finally I forced myself toward it because I know it was a good chance to communicate with foreigners. When I arrived there, a guy came over me with a warm smile. He started to introduce himself and showed his friendliness. He spoke English in a fluent and natural way and sounded like a native English speaker.

Needless to say, I was a bundle of nerves because I knew my English accent, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary were not good at all. Surprisingly, he told me that English was not his mother tongue and urged me to speak out. Thus I used my poor English to chat with him and he listened to me patiently, complimented on my accent which made me feel much more confident.

Although we just met for a while, that inspirational man really motivated me to learn English with focus and commitment. I also got to understand that if you want to learn something new, you must be brave and go towards it.


At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

With regards to learning a foreign language, I think the earlier, the better. So, I think primary school is the best stage to start learning a foreign language. Young children have less inhibitions and don’t hesitate while speaking. Also, there is a lot of burden of studies in secondary school.

Which skill is more important speaking or writing?

I think both are equally important. A few years ago, I would have said that speaking is more important, but with the coming of the internet, we have started communicating in the form of emails and chats and so writing today is equally important.

Does a person still need to learn another language if he is good in English?

I think learning another language is always beneficial. Bilingual children are better at multitasking and thinking out of the box. Learning another language also helps in the mental development of children. I think I have read it at many places that bilingual children outperform monolingual children academically.


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