BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th September



What is your full name?

My name is Mamta Raj.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Mamta.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you currently live in a house or a flat / apartment?

I’m living in an apartment that is fully furnished and has all the mod cons. I share my bedroom with another person, and we have been living there for over one year.

Are street markets common in your country?

Yes. They exist everywhere, and Vietnamese people go to street markets daily. What is usually sold there? Well, you can find trendy clothes at a reasonable price in any street market in Vietnam.

Do you think people like street markets? Why?

I think people enjoy street markets since they are ideal places to let off steam and bargain with sellers to get a discount.

Where do you usually take a walk?

Well, I don’t walk in any particular place. I like to walk with my friends to the park sothat we can talk and feel less exhausted on the way.


Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation

You should say:

– When and where you went

– Why you took the trip

– What you did and saw on the trip

– And explain how you feel about the trip


Frankly speaking, I’m not a fan of public transport, so I haven’t been on many journeys by bus. train or taxi up to now. However, out of those I have taken, the most pleasant experience was when I travelled on a package tour to X – only within a 50-kilometer drive front my house. It was a small tour and we travelled in a bus as the travel agency owns a public transport corporation.

Off the top off my head, the tour was quite reasonably priced, at $100 for merely 2 days as it promised luxurious accommodation and tasty foods. So you see, I just went for it without second thought as it was exactly, what I would expect.

The first part of the journey was good enough for me because it took us not much time to reach the destination. Besides, I did get chances to engage in any gossip with other passengers and the trip just went by with a lot of fun. Travelling by bus like this for long distance was an experience I hadn’t had before, as the bus condition was good and the service was decent.

The moment we checked in a hotel near the beach, I was really glad that the quality of the room was up to standard. The bed was pretty comfortable and the air-conditioner worked extremely well. Regarding the swimming and the seafood, the weather then was so sunny for sunbathing and I felt like jumping my feet into the seawater. To add it to the fun, because we travelled during off season, the seafood was very cheap. This is the bus tour that left me with most profound memories, I also take pride in protecting the environment as well.


How to encourage more people to take public transportation?

Encouraging the public to make use of the public transit is quite a tough task as the facilities and infrastructures are not developed so with a view to achieving that, there should be an increase in the number of public means of transport like buses, trains, and subways with better service quality so that the general population feels worth it to leave their motorbike or car at home and make daily commutes by public transport.

In addition, government should run more awareness raising campaigns to educate people about the importance of conserving the environment via small actions such as taking public transport. Posters can be stuck on electrical poles on the streets, or banners should be hung outside buildings, for example.

What measures should the government take to solve transportation problems in traveling?

The government can do a lot to solve traffic problems. For example, better educations of the citizens to follow traffic rules, more provision of public transportation facilities, such as buses and underground railways, as well as broadening the roads or building skyways, can all contribute to the alleviation of traffic problems.


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