BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th September



What is your full name?

My name is Bhamiko Sharina.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bhamika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I work as an accountant with Kataria motors.

Why did you choose this kind of work?

I always loved numbers and playing with them. When I was a kid, I was very good at arithmetic, and then accountancy. Numbers come to me very naturally; in fact, I loved to do some hard sums in schools, and also helped many of my classmates.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

At the moment, I look after entire accounting section at Kataria motors, Ahmadabad. Our company has expanded by leaps and bounds in the state of Gujarat. I foresee myself working as a chief accountant for the entire state in coming years. If the company expands pan India, I will surely then aim at becoming the head of accounting department at a national level.

Would you like to become a celebrity if you had a chance?

There is no harm dreaming. I guess who doesn’t like to become a celebrity. Yes, I will wait for such a moment in my life.

Why is that?

People know every celebrity, and their all habits. They’re all over in the news all the time. One feels confident and respected being remembered at the national or international level for some good reasons. It’s prefect platform of becoming popular overnight. This is the chief reason that I would like to become a celebrity. However, it’s a wild goose chase for me at the moment.


Describe a magazine you enjoy watching

You should say: 

·  where it can be bought

·  what information it contains

·  who you think reads this magazine

·  and explain why you think this magazine is interesting.


There is a magazine that I really enjoy reading called Vogue. I was first introduced to this magazine when I went to a friend’s home for tea one evening.

I discovered it lying on her coffee table. I flipped through its pages and became immediately hooked. I found myself buying It every’ month. I bought Issues at various newsstands, convenient stores, and once or twice from a grocery store.

Vogue addresses topics of fashion, life and design. However, if there is one thing that makes buying Vogue worthwhile, it is the articles. They are written by professional and reputable writers who write in-depth about the products, events, and people, house, fashion, and everything else there is to write about. There are lots of advertisements in Vogue, which many people hate, but they do not bother me. I actually enjoy them because they are still showing beautiful people in fashionable outfits.

The main target for Vogue magazine is young women. The stories are focused on famous female celebrities and their opinions. The advertisements are all feminine products. What I think most young girls buy the magazine for is its amazing fashion tip. The fashion taste is great and the shoot are amazing.

It is an all-round magazine for young girls; but for me it isn’t—it’s only fashion, and it serves me well. Vogue is classy and stylish, lit features the best fashion and you do not have to be rich to read this magazine. People who are not interested in fashion will probably hate this magazine, and that is probably why it has received so much criticism. I, on the other hand, love this magazine and look to this magazine for some fantastic fashion inspiration.


What kinds of magazines are popular?

Actually, when it comes to magazines, I’m not quite a big fan. But if I have to answer this question, I would say that magazines that specialize in gardening, fashion, do-it-yourself are all the rage in my country. People love do the gardening, planting trees or vegetables while others are keen on repairing and mending household appliances, or an overwhelming majority of individuals would be hooked by fashion trends, so I guess those three types of magazines would have a wider appeal Compared to the rest.

Why do some journalists go to the battlefield to report the war?

I guess these heroic figures want the readers to have an on-the-spot coverage of the event so that people can have the best picture of what’s going on there. Being a correspondent during war times can pose an imminent threat to their life but they are in a position to sacrifice their life simply for the sake of the general public. I guess such people must extremely courageous and patriotic L. to embark on such a life-threatening mission.


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