BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September



What is your name?

My name is Harcharan Singh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Harcharan.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What do you do for a living?

I work as a Software Engineer with Cognizant. What is the importance of gifts? Well, by giving and receiving gifts not only express the feelings of other person but also consolidate/fortify/ strong the bond between two persons.

Is there any pressure on us to buy presents?

No, I don’t think so there is any pressure on us to buy presents. It just a way to show their love, respect and feelings towards another person.

How often do you buy gifts?

Occasionally, I buy gifts whenever there is any special occasion like marriage, birthday parties that time I adore love to give gifts.

Do you like to send expensive gifts?

Well, it totally depends upon a person to whom I am going to give gift. If the person is really close to my heart then I prefer to give expensive gifts otherwise, I give priority to cheap gifts.

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

There is a plethora of gifts which are popular in my nation such as watches, flowers, jewellery, technological gadgets and so on.

Why do people send gifts?

People send gifts just to express the importance of that person to whom they are giving gifts.


Describe an experience that you had when you left home

You should say:

• What is it

• When did it happen

• And how do you feel about that experience


I’m going to tell you about the time when I got lost in a forest 80 km away from my house. It was 1 year ago, I was on a 2-day company trip to a famous resort not so far from the centre of Hanoi. The first day was fun, as I had many incredible experiences with all my co-workers. We were eating, drinking and singing until we were too drunk to move our heads.

And as usual, being drunk is when we do all kinds of crazy stuff. The place where we camped was adjacent to a huge forest. I, who was literally cross-eyed drunk, came up with a brilliant idea. “Let’s go discovering that forest” – I said to those people who were still able to walk. And, crazy as it sounds, they were all interested in what I said.

So, around 10 of us left our camp and advanced into the forest. The night was dark, so we turned on the flash on our phones to see. At first, when we could still see our camping fire, we were excited. I, as the leader, kept walking having no idea where I was heading. At first, the dark forest seemed to be rather amusing. But then, after around 20 minutes of roaming, we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere, and even worse, none of us remembered the way back to our camp.

As we walked a little bit further, we saw a giant Banyan tree and a temple right next to it. The pale red light from the temple made it look a bit creepy. Right at that moment, one of my colleagues told a ghost story about a temple in his hometown. The story was so horrifying that one of us gave out a shrill scream.

We instantly regretted our decision, but as I said earlier none of us had any idea how to get back to our camp. We called some friends in the camp and asked them for help. Luckily some were still awake and they immediately went to those who owned the place and told them about our situation. Of course the locals knew where the tree was so they told us to wait.

As scared as we were, we had to stay near the tree waiting for people to come to rescue us. After 15 minutes, the locals came and showed us the way back to our camp. We all felt lucky and we were all tired, but somehow we managed to stay awake all night long talking about the journey. I will never forget that day, it was a truly memorable trip.


Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

I think it’s better to buy your own home if you can afford to do that. Buying your own home is a better investment in the long term, because you can sell the home and perhaps even make a profit on it. The alternative is to pay rent to a landlord who can ask you to leave at any moment.

Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

I’m not sure what the ‘right’ age would be, but I do agree with the principle that young adults should try to live alone if they can. For some people, the right age is when they get their first full-time jobs and can afford to pay rent, and for others it’s when they start university and move into a hall of residence with other students. This was what happened in my case; I moved out of the family home at age 18 when I started university.


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