BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th September



What is your full name?

My name is Jashina Rakulo.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Jashina.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What’s the most important skill nowadays?

I think it is computer. Because computers play an important role in our life and are of great use in every field.

Are there any traditional skill in your country? What are they?

Yes, such as sewing and weave cloth. I remembered that my grandmother used to sew clothes herself. But now, few people can do it.

Do you think it necessary to learn these skills?

No, I just don’t like to spend much time on sewing. Because we can buy all kinds of clothes in shop.

Is there any difference between your parents’ study and nowadays children?

In the past, when our parents studied in school, educational conditions were very poor. But now, children are lucky enough because government provides much better facilities and staff.

Do schools teach non-academic courses?

Yes, of course, such as music, physical education, and painting etc.

Should school responsible for teaching these non-academic courses?

Yes, of course. Because school should stress student’s moral, intellectual and physical development in a comprehensive way.


Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

You should say:

• What it is

• How often you do it

• Who you do it with

• Why you enjoy doing it with this person


Well, now I’m going to tell you something about an activity that I am particularly keen on doing with my 80-year-old grandmother, which is watching an Indian soap opera series on TV. Honestly, the series that we like best is “8-year-old bride” and it is broadcast every day on Today TV.

The first time my grandma and I knew about this TV series was about 4 months ago after seeing the 1st episode of it. As I still remember, on that day, we were both highly impressed by a character in the film called Anadhi and since then, we have never missed even a single episode. This series mainly tells the story of a girl named Anadhi, who had to live a miserable life since she was in a forced marriage at the age of 8. After that, she also encountered several difficulties and pains throughout her life.

As I mentioned, this series is shown every evening at 8 pm and I always try my best to arrange my work so that I can enjoy it with my beloved grandma. During the time we watch, she also tells a lot of things about the meaningful details in each episode, which I could hardly realise if watching alone. In fact, I have learned quite a lot of wonderful lessons from both this series and my grandmother and the most important lesson would be: “Getting married too early can be the most terrible mistake that one can make”.


How much time should parents spend with their children every day?

Well, it is quite difficult to give an accurate answer to this question since I believe that this should depend on the working schedule of each person. However, everyone should consider spending time with their kids as one of the top priorities and I think that the most suitable amount of time each day would be about 4 – 5 hours (sleeping time excluded).

Do young people like to live with old people in your country?

Actually, in Vietnam, taking care of old parents is the responsibility of everyone and I think that it is the moral value that we should always keep, whether we like it or not. Therefore, it is very easy to find an extended family with at least 3 generations living under one roof in Vietnam and in most cases, all family members are very happy.

What’s the most important thing that young people can learn from old people?

Obviously, it’s experience. Old people have spent the major part of their life dealing with several challenges and difficulties. Therefore, they have a huge amount of experience in many different aspects of life. If a young person wants to solve a problem quickly, the best way will be asking for help from an elderly person.


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