BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th September



What is your full name?

My name is Tymsyako Shiploka.

Can I see your ID?

Sure! Here it is.

Where are you from?

I belong to Chandigarh.

What do you do for a living?

I’m an entrepreneur, dealing in sanitary wares.

How often do you meet with your family?

Being a student, I am having busy/hectic schedule so I am having spare time only at evening time, so that’s the time usually I love to spend with my family members.

How do you spend the time with your family?

As I already told you, at evening time, I mostly free so I spend that time while dine together.

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

Without any doubt, of course I want t live with family even in future because as per my mentality family is the one who helps in different situation.

Are you close to all of your family members?

To be honest, I am not too close to each and every member but there is person in my family with whom I can share anything without hesitation, he is none other than my father.

How has your family influenced you?

Frankly speaking my family plays part and parcel just to encourage me in each and every step of my life, whenever I feel low they always motivates me to think positive, due to my family I become optimistic person.

Are you still in contact with your friends from high school?

To be frank, I am still in contact with/get in touch with my soul mates thanks to technology due to this I can easily communicate with them.

What is your high school like?

That’s an interesting question, with the help of this question my memories has been recalled, infrastructure of my school was quite astonished, it was the only school.


Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree with

You should say:

• What the rule is;

• What will happen when students break the rule;

• Why school makes the rule;

• Why you agree or not.


Indian high school is known for imposing a lot of strict rules on students, and mine is not an exception.

There is one rule in my school I can’t stand. This is that male and female students are not allowed to be seen together, or sit next to each other, even in class or during break time. If we violate the rule, or if we are caught standing near a student of a different gender, we will receive a warning from the supervisor. If it continues, we can be temporarily expelled from school for three days to a week. I know that there is a reason behind this.

Rumor is that some couples skipped school to secretly hang out, and thus failed to pass the university entrance exam. The principal is concerned that the teenagers may fall in love and neglect their studies, so this rule is to limit the interaction between boys and girls in order not to develop an intimate relationship. However, I think that it has gone too far. I do agree that the main duty of students is to study, but it is not wrong for us, boys and girls, to spend time together.

We are old enough not to let our study be interfered. Not to mention that, sometimes, it’s just pure friendship. Each gender has different strengths and weaknesses, for example boys are often good at Maths and Physics while girls excel at Literature and languages. So, if we learn together, we can actually help each other to learn better.

To me, this separation is nonsense and meaningless. It not only prevents us from enjoying our high school years to the fullest but also causes conflicts between students and the school. The only way I believe it to be helpful to students’ learning is to show them the consequences of poor learning performance and educate them in taking advantage of having friends of mixed genders.


Should students be punished for violating rules in schools?

For violating a rule for the first time, a verbal warning should be given to a student before punished him. But if a student violates the rule again and again after giving him warnings, one should definitely be punished.

What do you think about the rule against ragging in schools?

Ragging is a black spot on the reputation of any school because it can be seen that sometimes seniors go beyond their limit in ragging and they forget about the emotions of the students. Some students who do not tolerate ragging them commit suicide. So there should be a hard and fast rule against ragging in schools.


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