BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st August



What is your full name?
My name is Manpreet Garg.

Can I see your ID?
Yes, Sir. With pleasure, this is my passport.

Where are you from?
I’m from India, presently living in Vancouver.

Do you work or study?
I am doing masters in professional accounting at Deakin University.

Let’s talk about music, what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to?
Music is a medication to soul. My day starts with music and ends with it. It soothes, calms, comforts and uplifts the soul. It’s a university healer. I listen to soft rock, Sufi music, old songs and old country classics.

Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?
Yes, the kind of music I used to listen to has changed but all sorts of music genres (= category, class) are available nowadays on the internet. These days music is too loud, very techno types. I personally feel music should calm you, give you joy and bring peace to your soul.

Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?
I prefer the recorded music as there’s no disturbance and you can enjoy it at your convenience. In the short, every bit of music detailing is taken care which results into a worthwhile listening experience. In live music, more than music, you enjoy beholding (= seeing) the singer because of some reasons, either you like him or follow him for good reasons in life.

Do you think listening to music helps you study?
We’ve grown listening to lullabies (= cradle song) and nursery rhymes. When a child cries, a piece of good music is a natural pacifier and he may immediately stop crying so music is a healer. Music can enliven and enrich the lives of children and the people who care for them. Music does help to concentrate studies. Whenever I get bored from the extensive reading, I listen to music just to unwind myself before I get back to my studies.


Describe your visit to a railway station/ bus station/ air port

– Where and when you visited
– Why you visited
– Describe the place

Sample Answer:

I would like to talk about my visit to the Kalupur Railway Station of my city. I visited it last month, as I wanted to go to a nearby city of my state with my family. It is located in the heart of my city. It is big station having a total of 12 platforms and it is connected to all stations of my state and all tier-I and tier-II stations of my country.

It is a big place with a huge building for administration. It has a large parking place and wide entry passage. A big printed train timetable is displayed along with a digital ticker at the entry gate to update the travelers about the latest situation of trains. The station is a busy place and is always crowed. It has more than 15 ticket windows and a queue of 10-15 people can always be seen on most windows. This situation reflects the number of people using the station.

The station is a well- maintained place where we get regular updates on the enquiry counter as well as all platforms. All platforms are connected with three foot over bridges where people can easily move through all platforms and the list of trains arriving and departing from the particular platforms is available at the staircase of each foot over bridge.

Moreover, there are television displays on all platforms at regular distances that keep the passengers updated about the arrival or departure of their trains. In addition, we can but medicines, refreshments, books and all required things in all platforms. The station has separate air- conditioned building for computer reservation where we can book our ticket for our journeys in advance. I appreciate this place because it serves well to the people of my city and my state.


What facilities should provided at such places?
There are a number of facilities required at such places. For example, parking area for visitors, enquiry counters, display of timetables with real time updates, waiting area for passengers, free water and toilets, canteen for refreshments, cloakroom and security systems to protect the luggage of passengers.

Which type of travel do you prefer, air or rail and why?
I prefer air travel to rail because air travel is faster, convenient and luxurious compared to rail travel. In addition, air travel is getting cheaper because of stiff competition among airline companies in many countries of the world.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of rail travel compared to air travel?
Rail travel is cheaper, safer and more enjoyable compared to air travel. However, it is slower than air travel. This is the reason I prefer rail travel for short distances to air travel because railway stations are located in the downtowns of the most cities of my country whereas airports are located in the peripheries of cities thus, if we have to go to a short distance travel, the over all time taken from home to the airport and the air travel itself proves longer than the time taken for rail travel.

Are you satisfied with the air travel/ rail travel system of your country?
Well, both systems are quite competent in my country. However, I do have a few concerns about both. First, railway stations are not so clean and tidy. At some places we can smell some bad odour. Next, security system is not so efficient at most railway stations, which allows criminals and terrorists to commute and execute their activities easily. For air travel, I can say that the number of airports is far less than required and existing airports are not big enough to handle the increasing number of flights. Hence, aircrafts waste valuable aviation fuel in waiting for their turn to land and take off.

Do you support strict security measures at such places?
I strongly favour strict security measures at bus stations, rail stations and airports. Security systems at such places serve manifold purposes. First, they protect tourists and their luggage from illegal activities. Second, they prevent movement of antisocial elements or illegal goods. Last, they help in protecting from terrorists, which, to me is the most important reason for strict security measures at these places.

What are the disadvantages of imposing strict security at such places?
There are no disadvantages of security measures at such places. However, some people feel disturbed and harassed of excessive checking. At times such checking may cause delay at airports that might disturb the passengers and the schedule of other flights also.

How helpful is air travel to dissolve cultural differences?
Air travel is really helpful in dissolving cultural, regional and continental differences. We can visit other countries, spend time with the people of other cultures and nationalities infuses a sense of tolerance in air travelers. Consequently, they become more compassionate and considerate towards the people of other countries.


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