BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st November


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Shriy Yahuma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Shriy.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Who do you trust the most?

Absolutely my mother. She was my very first best friend in life and always has my back and keeps my secrets. Throughout the ups and downs of my life, my mother has always stood by my side, and given me support whenever I have been in need.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Have you ever lost trust in someone?

Yes, my best friend, Jack who used to be my closest confidant until I saw him getting intimate with my crush, even though he knew that had deep affection for her. Then, we drifted apart and our friendship came to a halt. After that, frustrating and unpleasant memories about a bad friend in the past obsess me whenever somebody strikes up a conversation with me.

What kind of people do you trust?

I guess only our family members are trustworthy and willing to help us wholeheartedly. After being betrayed by my best friend, I can hardly put faith in anybody else. I am afraid that when I confide in someone, he or she may share my secrets with others.

Do you eat a lot?

No, I’m trying to maintain a healthy diet. As a person who is prone to weight gain, I have to refrain myself from eating my favorite foods, especially after 7PM. In the past, I used to be an obese person with an insatiable appetite for food, so I avoid eating too much now.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like eating healthy food?

I love it. Healthy food like veggies or fruits is highly beneficial to my health as it helps me to stay physically fit and avoid cardiovascular diseases. Besides, this kind of food is scrumptious when used as ingredients for mouth-watering salads.


Describe a situation where you helped an old person

– When you helped?

– Where did you help?

– How you helped?

– How you felt about it?

IELTS Speaking Interview


A number of occasions come in our life when we get an opportunity to meet the strangers. It gives us chance to help someone who really needs it. I have helped many persons at different times and in different situations. But today I would like to talk about a situation when I was traveling from Manila to India via Hongkong by  roadening the air flight of jet airways. I was coming back from Manila to India after spending two months with my brother who is residing there.

By chance, the seat next to me occupied by an old person who was also coming from mainly. Because he also belongs to Punjab, so I started the conversation with him, he told me about the purpose of his visit we talked for long hours and when he told me that he belonged to the district Ludhiana like me. So, I feel affection towards him, he has a problem to converse with the air hostess when the cabin crew staff was serving the eatables because he did not speak well in English so, I helped him as a translator between him and staff.

IELTS Speaking Interview

It makes ease for him. After a long journey, the flight landed at the IGI airport Delhi India. Furthermore, I also helped him at the immigration counter and at the baggage claim counter. He was near about 65 years old and was unable to carry his luggage so, I arranged a trolly for him. I helped him to fill the custom and immigration forms. When we came out of the airport his family comes to receive him. He introduced me to them and all thanked me. We also exchange our phone numbers I felt very calm and satisfied after helping an old needy person.


How can the older generation be helped?

The old generation can be helped in many ways. They can be taught the use of latest technological gadgets, which can help them pass their time in a much happier way. My grandfather is a good example. I installed the whatsappapp in his phone and now he is happy reading jokes sent by his friends and chatting with them. They can also be helped by making them feel wanted.

They can be assigned the work of looking after their grandchildren, which can reduce their loneliness and the young parents can become free to pursue their careers, without the worry of caring for their children. Children also are under the watchful eyes of their elders. So, it is a win-win situation for one and all.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What are the benefits of helping older people?

There are many benefits of helping older people. Whether we accept it or not, we all know that the whole society is greying. There are so many elderly people. They have to be helped to become as asset and not a liability. We can help them in keeping good health and becoming self-sufficient.

What is the current situation of families? Do they help each other?

I belong to India, and fortunately in India, family values are still very much alive. Families help each other in all ways they can. We may not be living in joint 6 families any more, but the extended family system is still there. Even if we live in nuclear families we are still well connected to each other. We have get-togethers on family functions and enjoy the warmth of relations.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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