BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th December


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Robert Stiwert.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Robert.

IELTS Speaking Interview

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like wearing a hat?

Although hats help protect your hair and face from direct sunlight, I really don’t like wearing hats every day. After removing my hair my hair is always messed up. Instead of wearing a hat, I think I like to bring an umbrella with me.

What kind of hats do you have? / 3. Where do you like to buy hats?

As mentioned, wearing hats is definitely not my daily style, so I usually have a hat at home. The only type of hat that is especially fond of here is the baseball cap. You know, this type of hat can give me a sporty and strong look.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are hats popular in your country?

Don’t go looking too far in my country where motorcycles are the most common mode of transportation, and you must wear a helmet whenever you ride a motorcycle for safety. I wonder how uncomfortable it can be for you to wear a hat under a helmet. Thus, in most cases, hats are for pedestrians and fashionistas.

Do you often wear sunglasses?

When it’s sunny outside, yes. I usually have a pair of sunglasses with me or in my car in case I need them. 

What are the main reasons for wearing sunglasses? 

So that your eyes aren’t dazzled by the sun, and also to protect your eyes from glare if you’re outside for an extended period of time. Trying to protect your eyes from the sun without sunglasses is awkward and just annoying, and it can also lead to wrinkles from screwing your eyes up all the time.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a famous person that you are interested in

You should say:

• who this person is

• how you know about this person

• how this person became famous

And explain why you like this person


I am going to tell you about a well-known physicist whose biography recently really caught my attention. He is a house-hold name around the world, Albert Einstein.

He is recognized as the father of modern physics and he was the founder of the Theory of Relativity, which became an essential, if not the most important, contribution to modern science. He was also awarded the Nobel Physics prize thanks to this discovery.

Besides knowing him due to his many achievements, I did come across and read a biography of him on the internet which really intrigued me and contained a lot of information that made me admire him a lot. His childhood was not as carefree as I initially thought and I was totally impressed by his perseverance and dedication to science despite having communication problems at a very young age.

I love how Albert Einstein lived and worked with passion and enthusiasm all his life, which, I feel is a shining example and a great inspiration for me to follow. Albert was hunted by the Nazi’s for most of his adult life, yet he never abandoned his love for science and kept working even when he was running to protect himself.

So, in other words, he really inspired me to pursue my goals and dreams with all I that I have, despite any difficulties that I may come across along the way.

IELTS Speaking Interview


How do people become famous nowadays?

People become famous when they have achieved something that other common people have not done so far. Some of the movie stars are very famous because they have a box office hit. Some singers are famous because of their singing talent. Politicians become famous for their oratory skills. There is another category of famous people that become famous among people by their wrong deeds.

What is the difference between people who were famous earlier and who are famous now?

Most of the celebrities at that time. whether they were actors, politician, businessman, leaders they were famous because of their accomplishment (something that has been achieved successfully) after so much hard work in their life. Some of them became popular because of the word-of-mouth publicity. These days, most of the celebrities were media made. All source of media has the power to make any person a star overnight. It doesn’t matter if they actually deserve it or not.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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