BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st January

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st January

IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your full name?

My name is Aarushi Verma.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

Well, I come from Delhi that is the capital of my country India. It’s a metropolitan city which is very beautiful city with a population of more than 7 million people. All kinds of facility are available there.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you like about your city?

There many awesome things about my city. Well, people in my town are really amiable as well as helpful. They’re always willing to give you a hand when you need help. It’s cuisine specially street food is very diverse with a lot of delicious dishes such as pizza and Spring rolls.

Do you want to live here in the near future?

To be honest, although it’s quite ideal for me to live in my city now, I still want to move to another city in some developed country in the world. So I’m studying a lot to make that dream come true.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are you a patent person?

Yes I am. But I used to be a super hot-tempered kid who always got annoyed if someone kept me waiting even for 10 minutes.

Have you ever lost your patience?

To be honest with you, I sometimes lose my patience when I’m stuck in the traffic for hours after a hard day’s work or I’m constantly interrupted by my family members while working in my room.

When do you need patience the most?

Occasionally, not being able to keep your patience can cause undesirable results, for example, for studying English, you need to build up your knowledge day by day, sometimes you have to take some rest. So, I think I need to be patent when I learn a new language.


Describe a good law in your country

• what the law is

• How you first learned about the law

• who the law affects

and explain why it is a good law.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Without any qualms, rules and regulations are the need of the hour for all countries for their smooth functioning. Laws are made by the government for the smooth running of the society .Without these laws we would not only be living in utter chaos but also anarchy. There are divergent laws that are worth mentioning, such as ban on smoking in public places, wearing helmet while riding a two wheeler, law against female feticide and against cutting trees.

But here I am going to take this opportunity to talk about a law on prohibiting the use of plastic carry bags. Well, I came to know about this law from TV news. This law affects each and every person on Earth. As it is really fructify for reducing the level of contamination along with preserve the flora and fauna. Actually, In 2016, India banned the use of carry bags below 50 microns thickness, but it was could not enforced well, owing to the less options  of alternatives and awareness among masses about the deleterious impact of this.

IELTS Speaking Interview

However, in June 2018, on World Environment Day, the theme was “Beat Plastic Pollution”, and so the government has planned to be rigid in the implementation of this law. Because, that year, India was the global host of the ‘World Environment Day’. Thus, our respected Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi asked every state as well as Union Territory to launch an exorbitant campaign against the use of plastics. Moreover, Plastic in all forms, such as carry bags, drinking straws and plastic bottles has been banned.

Apart from this, strict fines are imposed on the violators of this law. Awareness was spread among citizens that Plastic is non biodegradable and fills up our landfill sites. If burnt, it emits harmful fumes in the air that can cause several chronicle ailments like respiratory problems, asthma and so on. So, most of the people do not give preference to it that can eventually curtail this stumbling block

All in all, I think this is a good law and we all need to cooperate with the administration by abiding by this law. We should make it a habit to carry our tote bags with us when we go shopping and refuse to accept plastic bags.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What are the necessary qualities for someone to become a judge?

I think there are many essential characteristics of a good judge. First, a judge should be fair. Because he is the representative of justice, I suppose fairness is the first quality that matters. Besides, he needs to be wise to apply the laws properly along with appropriately according to different cases. Sometimes, it’s cardinal that the judge understands the real story behind what is told. Most importantly, he/she must not be corrupted as sometimes owing to this reason, an innocent person has to suffer a lot.

What are the necessary qualities for someone to become a lawyer?

In my opinion, a lawyer needs to be honest and have a deep understanding of the laws. To be more specific, a lawyer should always provide the exact information on their clients’ situation, and then give them the best advice on what should be done by them. A lawyer also needs to be extremely familiar with the law thoroughly so that he can protect his clients’ rights or reduce the severity of their sentences.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are there any circumstances that the law should be broken?

I think in some cases, the law can be broken. For example, in my country, it is against the law to run a red light, but ambulances are allowed to do. Therefore, I think that it is necessary to violate the traffic laws if a person is carrying a patent whose life is being threatened.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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