BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th February


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Yuij Komri.

How may I address you?

You may address me by my first name Yuij.

Can I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When do you get time to pursue your hobbies?

My hobbies are reading books and listening to music. I can pursue both of these at my workplace and at home. I take small breaks of a few minutes at my office to pursue my hobbies. However, I get more time for them at home, during weekends and on holidays.

How have your hobbies benefited you?

My hobbies have given me immense benefits. Reading books has given me a better insight to understanding life. I have learned in my implemented the knowledge gained from books, both in my personal life and in my profession. This has enhanced my success on all levels. Next, music has always kept me fresh and energized, which is very important for someone in the teaching profession.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What type of hobbies do people of your generations usually have?

Among other things, people of my generation prefer to read books, listen to music, travel, and watch movies. Besides, there are a few new activities emerging as hobbies, too, such as surfing the internet, chatting online, and playing games on mobile phones and computers.

Why do people keep changing from generation to generation?

I think changes in lifestyle and advancements in technology are instrumental in causing a shift in hobbies over generations. With each passing generation, these advancements offer more options to people to choose from, and to pursue. For instance, we can use the internet as a means to pursue our hobbies today; but this was not available at all, before a few decades.

What types of hobbies will the future generations have?

I think most hobbies of future generations will be based on technology. People will play virtual games, travel in space, explore the depths of oceans, make more friends online, and share their lives with them.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you prepare for a happy event.

You should say

– What the event was

– How you prepared for it

– Who helped you with preparations?

– How did the event eventually turn out?


IELTS Speaking Interview

Many years ago, I started my business out of a small office near my house, and with dedicated efforts, my team and I made it quite a success. So much so, that we began to run out of space to accommodate clients and new staff. This time had come to move to a new office. We started looking for office spaces, and not before long, we narrowed down on a new commercial building in the city centre. The office was purchased, and the interiors were done up to suit the business type, and my personal taste.

But, now one thing had been nagging me since I decided to move. I was a little wary of losing out on clientele owing to the sudden change of location. We had started telling all our customers about the impending change of location a few months in advance, but I knew this much would not be enough. I also needed to make sure my business became well known in the new area. So, we decided on hosting a grand inauguration for the new office. I prepared for it with much gusto and enthusiasm alongside my team.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I was ideating, planning, coordinating and executing, altogether! My team helped with fine-turning all the small and big details. Once I had selected a cuisine, the office staff helped me select a good caterer, and managed all the bookings and food arrangements. They helped me arrange space for seating our guests, and also sent out invitations, and tried hard to ensure a high turnout of people. My family assisted me in narrowing in on the chief guest for the ribbon cutting ceremony, and the building management took care of valet services.

I was personally in charge of all the decorations, checking on the lighting, and last minute tidying up. My relatives took charge of handing out brochures to people while simultaneously ensuring that all the guests were entertained. My neighbors had assisted in preparing neat little baskets full of goodies for all the attendees, a week in advance. The event started at nine in the morning, and went on till noon. It turned out to be very successful, and we were all very pleased when the guests bid us farewell with big smiles on their faces.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Are you good at event management?

I am good at all kinds of management tasks. Event management is one of them. I am very good at people skills and communications. In addition, I am also a very good planner. My mind is organized, and knows the art of staying calm even in apparently stressful situations. I know how to find ways around glitches, and how to turn unfavorable situations around to my benefit. All these skills make me good at event management.

Do you think certified courses in event management are helpful?

Yes, certified courses in event management concentrate on this particular aspect of management, as opposed to a broader MBA programme. In these courses, one get the chance to study in detail all that goes in to managing different types of events with different numbers of attendees. One learns how to arrange entertainment options, food options, and security measures to manage crowds. In these courses, students are also taught how to deal with different agencies and people to get tasks done on time, with perfection.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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