BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st August



Good morning. Can you tell me your full name please?

A very good morning to you, I am Preeti shah.

Thank you, can you tell me where are from?

I belong to Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Can I see your identification?

Yes, here you are!

What subjects are you studying?

I am studying Entrepreneurship.

Why did you choose this subject?

The reason behind choosing this subject was to help me carry forward my family.

What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

Well, I will be doing my master’s in business management and Entrepreneurship.

Now let’s talk about weekends, what do you usually do on the weekend?

They are pretty relaxed weekends as I get time to organize my room, wardrobe and other stuff like but if I have time in hand I try visiting relatives or friends. On some weekends, I feel doing nothing but just relaxing the whole day and spend my quality time with family.

What do you think you will do next weekend?

I am looking forward to this weekend as I plan to visit an old age home with a friend. I sometimes visit such places for charity because I get a different kind of satisfaction by helping those who are in need.

Do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child?

When we were kids, we really didn’t know the importance of weekends because we would be playing around the entire day as there was not so much of work or study stress but today we realize what weekends are all about in the real manner. They recharge both mentally and physically for the next week. I wonder how   some people work on weekends.

How important is it for you to relax at the end of the week?

It’s essential to relax at the end of the week as the week as the brain and body get tired so people need to rejuvenate themselves. It’s only during the weekends where you’ve time for yourself. Or it meant only for external worries and job pressure.

Let’s talk about music, what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to ?

Music is a medication to soul. My day starts with music and ends with it. It soothes, calms, comforts and uplifts the soul. It’s a universal healer. I listen to soft rock, sufi music, old songs and old country classics.

Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?

Yes, the kind of music I used to listen to has changed but all sorts of music genres (= category class) are available nowadays on the internet. These days music is too loud, very techno types. I personally feel music should calm you, give you joy and bring peace to your soul.

Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?

I prefer the recorded music as there’s no disturbance and you can enjoy it at your convenience. In the studio, every bit of music detailing is taken care which results into a worthwhile listening experience. In live music, more than music, you enjoy beholding (=seeing) the singer because of some reasons, either you like him or follow him for all good reasons in life.


Describe your favourite shopping mall….

– Which shopping mall it is

– Where it is situated

– What types of items it deals with

– and explain how it is helpful for


The tremendous hike in the number of shopping malls in metro cities is the direct result of globalization. In its march towards the ‘Global village’, the shopping malls are providing with the gusto to move still further. The shopping malls can be said to be as a mushroom growth of international brands in India.

My favourite shopping mall is the ‘Big Bazaar’ emerged amidst the bustle of the city. It stands at the heart of city, and exhibits a wide range of accessories from clothing to footwear, and crockery to books. This shopping mall contains all and sundry of the household chores. At Big Bazaar, you will definitely get the best products at the best prices – that’s what we guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors to the world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you.

And this is just the beginning. The Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete your shopping experience. Children come to the Big Bazaar to enjoy because it keeps the latest versions of video game. Teenagers come here to keep abreast with the prevalent trends; whereas, the adults come here to really shop for their necessities.

Being the major centre of commerce, the Big Bazaar is the best place to study the crowd of a city or a town. Here, we can find people trying different kinds of outfits in front of the mirror, or loitering throughout the mall in search of a favourite commodity. In the shopping malls, we find people from different backgrounds joining in for the same cause, viz. shopping,


What do you find different in shopping malls?

The most different things in shopping malls is to choose the best from the variety of things, and the second is bargaining with the shopkeepers and if they do not accept your bargaining, then you tend to leave those fabulous things in the shop.

Do you think window shopping is wastage of time?

No. I don’t think so, because at least one should get the exposure and get idea about the latest brands, its cost, its quality and its value. So I think window shopping is not a wastage of time, rather it makes you aware about the products available in the market.

With whom do you prefer to shop?

I prefer shopping with my parents, relatives and friends because I think these people have good knowledge and experience of various products and new trends in the market. I have noticed that their suggestions are best for me.


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