BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Manuireds Freisd.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Manu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When was your last time worked with a team?

The last time I worked in a team was a project I did during the second year of my graduate school. Our tutor gave us an assignment to review the server log of an international trade website and give a brief analysis using data warehouse and data mining technology.

Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

Personally, I would like to work in a team because I’d have partner to share the responsibility with and we could solve problems better, as the saying goes “Many hands make light work”.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What’s the most important thing for teamwork?

I think the most important thing for teamwork is deciding who does what. Every member of team should be assigned specific tasks and he or she should stick to that. Also team spirit is equally important

Do you like to be a leader?

Honestly, I would like to be a leader. Being a leader would reflect the hard work I’ve put into the job. I can win other peoples respect as well

What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?

Without any doubt I would say motorbikes. You can see people driving a motorbike all over the place in my country. Almost everyone travels by motorbike. The reason why motorbike is so popular I think is due to their reasonable price and convenience. They also extremely varied in terms of size, color and quality, thus a wide variety of choices is available for everyone.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.

You should say

– Where it was

– Who you met?

– When was it?

– why were you surprised?


IELTS Speaking Interview

This is an easy topic for me to talk about! I can think of one particular situation that stands out in my memory when I bumped into someone totally unexpectedly, and in the most unlikely of situations. I’m going to enjoy telling you all about it, though I wonder if I’ll be able to convey to you exactly how bizarre it was that we met again in the way that we did.  I’ll explain who I met, when, where, what we were doing, and why it was such a big surprise for both of us.

So the person I met was someone I’d been at school with. Now, for this story to make sense you have to know that I left school about thirty years ago, so I hadn’t seen this friend since the day we finished our exams three decades earlier. We were friendly at school, but not enough to keep in touch after we left, and as so often happens we went our different ways and had no idea at all what had happened to one another in the years that followed.

IELTS Speaking Interview

A few years ago, I moved to Sheffield to take up a new job. I didn’t know the city or anyone in it. After I’d been there a couple of years, I decided I needed to get fit, and so when I heard about a local free 5km running event that took place every Saturday in a park near to where I lived I plucked up the courage to give it a go.

Now, this was a really unlikely thing for me to do. I had never run before in my life, and it was not at all my natural habitat. I wasn’t very fast, but I did get round and in a peculiar way I enjoyed it enough that I went back again the following week. To my absolute amazement, it was at this return visit that I spotted a familiar face in the crowd of nearly 500 runners. 

IELTS Speaking Interview

Someone I recognised from school! The weird thing was that I didn’t even know she’d also moved to Sheffield (we both went to school just outside London which is 200 miles away), what’s more, neither of us was remotely sporty at school, so seeing her there, so far from where we used to live, doing such an unlikely activity as running and recognising her after thirty years in such a big crowd was extraordinary! Even more amazingly, I just went up to her and said ‘hello Delia’ and she replied ‘hello Lucy’ and we just knew each other straight away.

We were both amazed! We went off to have breakfast together and talked solidly for over three hours. (It was a long breakfast!). It turned out she’d moved to Sheffield straight after doing her A-levels, so had lived here for years and years, and what’s more, her house was just a couple of miles away from the flat I was renting. We seemed to pick up exactly where we’d left off. Better than that really.

IELTS Speaking Interview

We now meet up to run and then have breakfast together every week, but we also do other things like go to the cinema or theatre together. I help her on her allotment sometimes and she has been a great friend to me. I feel so lucky that this unlikely and unexpected meeting helped me to reconnect with a good friend from the past. It goes to show it pays to have your eyes peeled and your wits about you when you are out and about – you never know who you might encounter unexpectedly and where it might lead! ‘Surprise’ isn’t quite a big enough word for how I felt spotting her, but I’m so glad I did.


Why do friends meet up?

I think there are various reasons. The first is to just spend some time together because for most people doing things together is more fun than doing things alone. Secondly, I think it is just to talk, share and get advice on matters and so on.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are there any meetings that people need to plan in advance?

Yes, there are many meetings that people plan in advance like a doctor’s appointment. In case of friends also, it is better to take an appointment because the other person might be busy with work.

Are there any jobs related to unexpected things?

I think there are companies that help people plan surprise parties. So that may be a job related to unexpected things. I can’t think of anything else besides that at the moment. In research also, many findings have been unexpected – gravity for example.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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