BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

Hello, I am Yuktia Tadgu.

Can I see you ID?

With pleasure, this is my passport.

Where are you from?

I’m from Bangalore.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What subject (s) are you studying?

I am doing B.A. degree in choreography/dance.

When and how much leisure time do you generally have in a week?

I have a normal work schedule, nine to five, Monday through Friday, so my leisure time is in the evenings and on the weekends.

Who do you generally spend your leisure time with?

I spend my evenings at home with my family. I rarely see other people during the week. On weekends we might get together as a family with other families that have children the same age as ours. Sometimes on weekends I have the chance to spend time with my own friends, without my family.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What are some activities you enjoy in your leisure time?

Sometimes I just like to sit and relax because I’m so tired after work. I also enjoy talking with my family and playing games with my children. On weekends we often enjoy going to the movies together. We also spend time at the park if the weather is nice.

What do you like about these activities?

For me, leisure time is important because it’s my time to relax and be with my family. I like playing games with my children because it gives me the chance to know them better and also to teach or guide them. Also, it’s fun. I enjoy my children. After we’ve seen a movie together, we always talk about it. It’s nice to share things like this with my family. It’s interesting to hear what my children think about and how they understand things.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result­)

• What did you complain about

•Who you complained to

• When it happened

• What was the result and why you were satisfied with the result?


IELTS Speaking Interview

Well, I am a kind of person who usually does not like to complain a lot. But when something is not done in the right way, I feel it’s my duty to get it corrected, because complaining about it will make sure that it does not happen again.

Today, I would like to talk about a situation when I complained about a service and eventually got it corrected. It happened during last month when I had to get my account statement from the bank, which I needed for applying my visa. When I reached the bank in the morning, the officer told me that the bank’s printer was broken. He asked me to come back again the next day. When I went to the bank the next day, he again told me the same reason.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I requested them to get it fixed as it was an urgent requirement for me, but the bank officials did not seem to bother much about it. So I decided to file a complaint with the higher authorities. I came back home, opened the bank’s website and sent an email to the bank management at their headquarters. I immediately got a call back from them and they said they will take strict action against this complaint.

I thanked them and went again to the bank. To my surprise, as soon as I entered the bank, the manager came to me with my account statement. They had got the printer fixed immediately after my complaint. I came to know that a lot of other people were also suffering because of this issue.

The manager asked me to take my complaint back as senior management issued a notice to him for not listening to the customers, but I refused to do the same. I told him it is his responsibility to look after the customers and listen to their problems. He then apologized for it and promised me that in future he will take great care about it. So this was a time when I complained about something and got a good result.

IELTS Speaking Interview


When do people usually complain?

People usually complain when they have been inconvenienced or face a discomfort. The other main reason for people complaining is when they have been duped or cheated by someone. There are also many people who may complain without any valid reason, as they may have a complaining attitude.

Can complain help solve problems?

Yes, there are many scenarios when complaining helps solve problems. For instance, when a product/appliance/gadget stops working, complaining to the customer support or service helps solve the problem. There are many situations when people get duped or cheated and if they complain to the authorities, they are very likely to get justice.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What others measures you should take to solve problems rather than complain?

Sometimes complaining is not the best solution to problems that we face. For instance, the traffic problems in many cities are due to people themselves not following the traffic rules. However, complaining about it doesn’t solve it, taking steps and initiatives at the individual level can help resolve such issues.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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