BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd April


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Rafiq Shari.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rafiq.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Where are you from?

I am from Bathinda which is the city of lakes in Punjab.

Did your parents choose your secondary school for you?

Yes, my parents chose my secondary school. My high school and primary school were the same.

What subjects did you study in secondary school?

I studied many subjects in secondary school like, social sciences, mathematics, the Hindi and English languages, science subjects like biology, chemistry, physics and geography, art and crafts, etc.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What was your favourite subject in secondary school?

My favourite subject in secondary school was science. I like science subjects because I learned about the basic principles of the way things work all around us.

And which class did you like the least? (Why?)

There wasn’t any subject I liked all the subjects in secondary school.

Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

I think all the subjects that we study in secondary school are useful for people in adult life. A strong foundation is built in primary and high school years that help us throughout our life.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a crowded place you visited

You should say.

–  Where it is

–  When do you usually go there

–  What you do there

–  And explain why it is crowded


IELTS Speaking Interview

I detest public places as they’re always packed with people and I feel like a fish out of water in such circumstances. Off the top of my head, the last crowed place I went to was the time I had a medical check-up at a general hospital near my house. It is a big hospital of international standard, divided into public and private service. The public service is for those of meager incomes and involves long hours of queuing. Because I was in a hurry, I opted for the speedy private service.

However, the choice fell short of my expectations and it turned out that there were hordes of patients waiting for medical check-up and there were even no seats left, and I had to stand the whole time. What a frustrating experience, you know! My legs felt like jelly after one hour standing on the floor. It was so crowded that the staff had a hard time dealing with the paperwork and there were some mistakes with the order of the patients as well.

Luckily, it was finally my turn; I was so relieved to get away from the crowd in the waiting room, and then received quite a professional care from the doctors. However, when going to the basement to get my motorbike, I was so shocked at the line of people queuing at the exit, and again it took me another 3o minutes simply to inch a few meters.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do some people dislike going to crowded places?

Frankly speaking, I would put it down to the fact that you would waste a great deal of time in a place packed with people. This is particularly true when waiting to be served, like a meal in a restaurant or you have to queue for hours to receive something you have to pay. It’s quite frustrating as the service might not be up to standard as a place is overloaded with customers. Another reason worth mentioning is that some people can’t stand the deafening noises at public places, and it is the worst situation when there are small kids crying and nagging their parents.

Is it more dangerous to go to crowded places?

Yes, certainly the security issue is quite a headache currently, and people are worried about their own safety when being in a crowded area. There are several cases when children are kidnapped because their parents don’t keep an eye on them, which creates favorable conditions for suspicious people to do unlawful acts. On top of this, in some democratic countries, terrorism is going out of hand, and there have been reported cases of bombs going off in public places packed with people. All in all, the world is becoming a dangerous place and avoiding places with many people is a safety measure that anyone should take into account.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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