BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th April


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Trafiyu Tokoyo.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tarfiyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Is cooking popular in your country?

Yes, I think it’s popular. Most young girls learn from their mother or grandmother about how to cook the most popular dishes.

Who normally does the cooking in your house?

My mother does most of it-although I often help her when I’ve time, or if we’re having a large meal together as a family.

Would you like to learn how to cook?

 I would like to learn to cook food of other countries, maybe Chinese cuisine, which is quite popular here among some people in my country.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Why do you want to learn cooking?

I think cooking can be a creative activity, when it is not just for feeding the family every day. I find it relaxing when I do it for fun and like to experiment with different ingredients.

Do you think cooking programs on TV are useful?

I think they are interesting and can give you some motivation to try different things. My problem is I can never remember all the details that I see. It’s only the idea or so when I try to make something it never turns out the same as it did when the chef on TV did it.

What is the advantage of a TV cooking program?

I think they can give you lots of ideas about different cuisines to try and you can also learn some good cooking tips, but I also like to have a recipe book or I download recipes from the internet – it’s easier to follow them like that.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a dream you have had

You should say:

When you had this dream

What you saw in the dream

What you did or said in the dream

And explain why you had a dream like that


I’d like to talk about the nightmare I had the other night.  On the way to a mountain in the dead of winter, I dropped behind the group I was traveling with and got lost. To make matters worse, it began to rain heavily. The wind blew hard, and the blasted forest groaned as if in pain. And so overcast was the sky that night came several hours earlier than usual.

Cold and frightened, I was trembling all over. All I could do was shout for help, but no help was forthcoming. The night became darker, the wind blew harder, and the rain poured down more heavily. I ate my last piece of food, a tiny piece of cake. Totally despaired, I was waiting not for miracle but for death.

Suddenly, a thunderclap woke me up. A rainstorm was indeed raging outside, but I was grateful to find that I only had a nightmare. I still couldn’t figure out why I would have that dream, and I certainly wouldn’t want it to come true.


Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Well, honestly, I completely forget most dreams I have been through. However, sometimes I had vivid dreams which regularly haunted me. Every now and then, I had really pleasant and meaningful dreams which I could remember well after awakening and I love to take a trip down memory lane for a while.

Do you like hearing other’s dreams?

By all means. I suppose that dreams represent their current psychological stress or struggles that they express themselves in an environment considered safe.  Therefore, when I listen to them speaking about their dreams, I can get an insight into their body, mind and spirit.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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