BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th April


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Yuka Hi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yuka.

IELTS Speaking Interview

May I see your ID?

Sure, here is my passport.

Do you like to smile?

I love it! I have traveled extensively and seen that some other cultures smile more than others. When someone smiles, it brings me positive energy and instantly improves my mood. With this said, I have taken it upon myself to smile as much as possible to give others a warm feeling.

How often do you smile?

As much as possible! I’ve noticed that even when I’m having a bad day, a smile or laugh always helps. So, I try to smile whenever I meet or pass someone, as well as after a bad day.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you smile when you are having your picture taken?

Yes, I do! Although I prefer a more serious look for my selfies which shows off my bone structure more, I always smile in a group photo. Actually, sometimes I can’t help but to smile because I am having such a good time!

When do people smile to others?

In many different cases, but I would say usually when they make eye contact with someone or to people in their workplace. In my country, people usually don’t smile at everyone on the streets because that person may suspect us of wanting something from them.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Can you sense (or feel, or tell) if someone’s smile is fake?

Yes, I can! I can sense a fake smile but how much it looks forced. When someone’s smile is fake, they smile with just their mouth instead of their eyes. With this said, you can always tell a genuine smile by the eyes.


Describe a favorite sports you watched/ a sport you like to watch.

You should say.

– What it is

–  When you watched t

–  How you watch it

–  And explain why you like matching it

IELTS Speaking Interview


I’m a live wire and fond of various sporting activities, and off the top of my head, tennis would be amongst my most favorite ones, and it is also the sports I love watching most.

When I am up to ears in study, revising and reviewing for the exams, I often turn on the TV, flick through some channels and look for some tennis matches. They help me let my hair down a bit after a nerve-racking period of time at school. Usually, I am keen on watching how skillful the movements of the players are as this sport requires agility and hand-eye coordination. I often hold my breath watching the players exchanging the tennis ball and predict who the winner is.

I often watch with my intimate buddies, who have the same interest as me, and we often bet on the winner. I simply like watching this game for its entertaining value. And as well as this, in real life, I often practice this sport, so watching it hones my skills in matches with my friends at school.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What are the most popular outdoor sports in your country?

There are a number of popular sporting activities which are held outside the house in my country, like volleyball, tennis and basketball. However, the kind of sports that attracts people of almost all ages is football. People from the young to the old not only watch football matches on TV, but also participate in this game actively and enthusiastically. It is no exaggerating but people will gather at a football field and enjoy a good match together whenever they find time.

Do people like to play indoor sports or outdoor sports?

It depends greatly on how old a person is really. To support my claim, small kids are likely to be into indoor games like indoor football or swimming whereas adults tend to derive more pleasure from outdoor sports activities such as football or volleyball. This is due to the fact that today parents are more protective of their children so they encourage them to take part in indoor sports to protect their children from bad injuries or serious accidents. On the other hand, adults would love the social interaction and team spirit from sports matches played outside the house, particularly after a stressful week of hard work.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What are the benefits for children to play outdoor games?

There are a number of benefits a child can obtain from taking part in games played outside the house. The first one is that playing games outdoors is a form of exercise that helps children to increase their physical fitness. By running around and kicking a ball in a match of football, for instance, the small kids can develop their muscle strength and flexibility.

The second plus point is that small players can hone many skills and qualities through their participation in outdoor games. By interacting and socializing with their teammates, they can be more active and have a chance to get to know not only their peers but also the surrounding environment. As a result, they have more coordination and cooperation skills. Wanting to protect someone from criticism, hurt, danger, etc. because you like them very much.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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