BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 14th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 14th April


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Rupali Gunga.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rupali.

IELTS Speaking Interview

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

I am from Bathinda which is the city of lakes in Punjab.

Do you like insects?

Well, I like insects, but not all kinds of insects. I mean to say I like butterflies and dragonflies, and the reason is they not only look beautiful but also increase nature’s beauty.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you think insects are useful?

Yes, insects are beneficial. I believe every living organism and non-living things in this world has a particular purpose. For example, everyone loves to eat honey, which bees produce.

What kinds of insects make some people scared?

Well, some insects look beautiful, and people like them, but most of the insect’s look is horrible, so people do not like and get afraid of them, such as the beetle, cockroach, cricket and many more.

Are there many different insects in the place where you live?

Yes, there are many insects inside and outside of my home because I live in a farmhouse. I regularly spray insecticides inside the house.

IELTS Speaking Interview


When was the first time you admired the sky or a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing

• What were you doing

• Who was with you

• What you saw


IELTS Speaking Interview

Well… I would like to start by saying that when nature spreads its wings, it looks fascinating and eye-catching.

In other words, the beauty of nature is always a treat to watch and mesmerizing. I don’t admire the sky quite often due to my hectic schedule. But here I want to talk about one of the times when I looked at the sky and I was unable to take my eyes off it.

I was walking on the roof of my uncle’s home after having dinner. I guess it was the year 2002 or 2003 when I was of 8 or 9 years old, and I vividly remember it was a cold night and the month was December. All I was talking with my dad while staring at the sky. Since my childhood, I was always eager to know more about stars and galaxies. While I was taking knowledge from my dad about the stars, my uncle also joined the conversion. He was also passionate about the astronomy, and all the related stuff. Without wasting any time, he brought the telescope from his room. These days he lives in Norway.

It is hard to explain how stars came so close to me when I saw that beautiful sky with a telescope. It was a powerful telescope with perfect focus and zoom. I had never seen such a mesmerizing view, and I not only observed the stars that day but had the closest look ever at the moon also. I have no words to explain the beauty of the moon, which I witnessed that day. Since that day, my interest in astronomy has grown massively.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do people like to study the sky?

People like to study the sky to notice the changes in weather; some see it as an inspiration for arts like painting, photography, etc. It is also important to study about sky and space to understand that we are a part of a very large universe, which ignites our curiosity about what’s beyond the sky. Some people study it, as they believe that planetary movements affect a person’s fate.

Do you know any story related to planets?

I don’t remember any one story, but I used to read the comics series Chacha Chaudhary, in which there is a giant named ‘Sabu’ who visits Earth from Jupiter and decides to stay back with Chacha Chaudhary, after he tastes the food on Earth. There are also many movies made about superheroes from other planets, like PK, Spiderman.

Do you think children should be told planet stories to improve their imagination?

Yes, definitely. It is very important that children be told stories about other planets. It most certainly helps improve their creativity and imagination, because of the curiosity it ignites/creates in their minds. Some children also end up taking it up as a career path, e.g. astronauts, space research scientists, rocket engineers, etc.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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