BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Inayat Huyi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Inayat.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How often do you meet with your family?

Being a student, I am having busy/hectic schedule so I am having spare time only at evening time, so that’s the time usually I love to spend with my family members.

IELTS Speaking

How do you spend the time with your family?

As I already told you, at evening time, I mostly free so I spend that time while dine together.

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

Without any doubt, of course I want t live with family even in future because as per my mentality family is the one who helps in different situation.

IELTS Speaking

Are you close to all of your family members?

To be honest, I am not too close to each and every member but there is person in my family with whom I can share anything without hesitation, he is none other than my father.

How has your family influenced you?

Frankly speaking my family plays part and parcel just to encourage me in each and every step of my life, whenever I feel low they always motivates me to think positive, due to my family I become optimistic person.

IELTS Speaking


Elaborate on a life plan of yours that is not related to work or study.

You should say

– What this life plan is

– How you would fulfil it

– Why it is important to you

By when do you think you can bring this plan to fruition?


IELTS Speaking

One life plan of mine that is very close to my heart is to do with my retirement. It is motivated by the fact that I do not want to spend my retirement in the hustle bustle of the polluted city. After working very hard for many years in my career, I would like to buy a plot of land in a serene area a little bit on the outskirts of the city, where the air is clean, and natural ecosystems thrive.

In this countryside property, I would like to have my own little farm where I can grow organic fruits and vegetables, in order to share with my family and friends. In this property, I want to build a small, cozy cottage, like one of those holiday homes we often see on TV. My lifestyle would be very pro-nature three, and I would spend many hours meditating and enjoying good music with my family.

I plan to build a small pyramid structure there for hosting group meditation sessions every day, in a very inclusive manner. These sessions would be open and accessible to all. I want to do this in a bid to raise the collective conscience of humanity. The next step would be to involve myself in providing social services to the community around me for their wellbeing, and also to uplift them.

This is very important to me because I see many people today who are not living their lives as happily as they otherwise can, simply because of mental blocks, and lack of me time. I think a meditation centre in the countryside would be a blessing to people, and it would be my small way of giving back to the community.

IELTS Speaking


Is retirement planning important?

Yes, retirement planning is very important according to me. If a person plans well in advance for his retirement, it can turn out to be a very enjoyable phase of life. Someone who starts making a list of things he would like to do during his retirement, he can start saving money accordingly and invest it in the most profitable manner possible.

Retirement planning also takes into account expenses that may have to be incurred for healthcare and in case of other unforeseen emergencies, apart from just a person’s leisure activities. If sufficient planning has been done in advance then emergencies and healthcare expenses will not leave any dents in the retiree’s savings, thereby enabling him to live his life to the fullest in the absence of a steady flow of income from a job or business.

Why do people make some life plans keeping in mind their retirement?

There are many things that each of us wants to accomplish in life, many places that we want to travel to, and many activities we want to try our hands at during the course of our lifetime. However, we all only have limited time on hands, and most of it is invariably spent on running around to earn money.

While we are working to earn money, it is very difficult to find sufficient time to travel the world or indulge in our hobbies to our heart’s content. So, we make some life plans especially with retirement in mind. For instance, it is not feasible for most people to detach from society and work stresses and retreat into the hills while they are in their thirties or forties. However, this is a real possibility for many people, after they retire.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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