BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Heena Taryuha.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Heena.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking

What do you usually share with others?

I usually share latest news with my friends, especially interesting stories about popular movie stars or singers like who they are dating or what scandals they are involved in.

Did your parents encourage you to share things when you were a child?

Yes. You know Vietnamese people have a really strong sense of community so as a child, one of the things I’ve been taught to share was food. Many of the popular dishes in Vietnam such as hotpot or BBQ are great for sharing as well.

IELTS Speaking

What kinds of things would you not share?

I would say my personal life since I highly value my privacy. I believe details of our personal life should be kept as secrets to even your friends, especially if you are celebrities. Otherwise your reputation could be ruined if one of your friends can’t keep his mouth shut.

Who is your favorite movie star?

Jenifer Lawrence is my all-time favorite actor. She’s beautiful, charming and has a lot of charisma. What’s not to like about her?

Do you want to be a movie star in the future?

Not at all, Becoming a celebrity means you have to expose your private life to the rest of the world, and sharing has never been my thing. I would never sacrifice my privacy for fame or wealth.

IELTS Speaking


Describe an interesting old person

You should say

– Who was the person

– How you met that person

– Where you met him or her

And explain why you find them interesting?


IELTS Speaking

Well, in my life I met lot of senior person. Whenever I find the time with old aged people because I really enjoy their company as they have so much to share about their experience and memories of old times when people were more of humans than machine. Here I would like to talk about a person whom I met a couple of months ago who left indelible impact on my mind with both inner and outer beauty.

While, it was around 3 months back when, in evening, I went to meet my friend and he introduced me to his uncle who came to visit him and his family from Delhi. He had a very charismatic personality. I mean he was a septuagenarian person who ages between (70-79) but his vitality was like a quadragenarian (person who ages between 40-49).

He was has having his big smile, nicely, done hair and an amazing sense of dressing. I mean, no one has ever captivated me so much before like he did which forced me to ask him what he does for living. When he told me he is retired now and all he does is travelling to help needy people and I become fascinating to listen him.

IELTS Speaking

He told me that he has visited various places in India and many in foreign land. Apart from that, he shared with me some of his life lessons on what ethics, discipline, time management like all other army men, he is determined and discipline. He told me discipline that it is core of our existence and without discipline a person is like a ship which is sailing on mercy of waves. Those wards were eye opening.

I guess we spent around 3 hours together but those 3 hours changed my perspective towards life. Indeed he left indelible impact on my mind. Finally, I came back to my home. I wish I could spend some more time with him but next day he had a flight to catch. All in all, I would say that conversation with my friends’ uncle was quite interesting and his personality left everlasting impressions on my mind.

IELTS Speaking


Do you believe that old people and young people can share the shame interest?

I believe that both age groups have different type of interest. Mostly young folks like outdoor things. For example, outdoor activities and sports, while in old age people prefer soft things and like to do the things which do not harm body, but they can share some interest in movies, TV programs and indoor activities.

What can old people teach the youth?

Elder persons have experience about difficulties of life and they can share with kids, they also give the information about the culture. Moreover, they can teach respect, honesty, social and emotional development. Furthermore, Five motor skills and reduce the feelings of loneliness.

What can young people teach their elders?

These days, youngsters are sharp minded and know about new technology and can teaches about online payments, movies and TV programs, these things will build confidence in elders. Furthermore, people came to know about the problems that are occurring in country and share with other family members.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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