BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th September



What is your full name?

My name is James Bond.

Can I see your ID?

Certainly, here you are!

Where are you from?

I am born and raised in New Delhi.

What do you do for a living?

I worked as a software Engineer with Cognizant.

Do you find your job stressful?

At times, I find my job stressful especially when we’ve particular assignment in short notice, and the client wants it done at the earliest. Obviously, we’ve routine assignments on which we work and we need to sideline them for a while and get back to the new assignment. We always try to meet the deadline, and we do so many times, but completing that particular assignment takes a heavy toll on team members and me.

What do you do with your friends on weekends?

Typical boys’ stuff, I would say. We hang out at any good place, or meet at the pub. We drink until we loss the count. Quite an irresponsible act on our part but this is how we live because that’s the only one day when we get an opportunity to unwind ourselves after the stressful job.

Do you like to make new friends?

Candidly speaking, I don’t like to make new friends because I’ve already so many of them. I don’t intend to make new friends but you know we get in touch with some remarkable people coincidentally, and if the person is of great interest, I wouldn’t mind extending my friendship hand to him.

Do you remember your dreams after you wake up?

‘Yes’ and ‘No’ both. Sometimes I remember my dreams, and the other time I just happen to forget. One thing is there I generally don’t tend to forget the horrible nightmares.

Do you like to hear dreams of others? Why?

Certainly, I love to hear people and their dreams, too. When you speak, you share only what you know but you hear others, you learn a lot many things which could be useful later in career making or for any other purposes. People are filled with the vivid ideas, really at times they make a lot of sense. I assume their wild dreams are worth listening to.

Do you like to learn about dreams? Why?

I’ve never thought of learning dreams. I don’t know why I never thought about this. Possibly, I’ve not given any priority on this type of learning. Nor have I seen people doing that.


Describe a disagreement that you had with someone.

Please say,

– When and where it was

– What it was about

– How you felt about it later


I recount (=tell) a disagreement with my neighbor a few days ago. He came over my place with a view to complaining which was quite unpleasant for me. I didn’t take it lightly because he seemed to have crossed over a line of leniency and decency of mine.

He parked his car in front of my gate for which my mother had requested him to remove his car from that spot. He was disappointed with that request, and he phoned me over this matter. I calmly explained him why he was requested to remove his car from that spot but he seemed to have built a solid foundation of constant non-consultation and selfishness.

In the evening, when I reached home, he again came over my place to discuss this matter. I got annoyed at his discourteous (=rude, impolite) and quarrelsome behavior. I didn’t like the entire episode because I had always wanted a peaceful neighborhood. But this gentleman didn’t value my leniency. Eventually, I lost my temper and sounded him off.


How can decisions affect a person’s life?

The decision making is an important aspect in our life. One misstep can force us to go backwards from where we may not come back ever of if we happen to recover what we’ve lost, yet we pay the heavy price for the wrong decision. The opposite is also true. A right decision could be a life-making event for anyone. Therefore, it is consequential (=important, significant), and could affect us greatly in either direction.

What are the main decisions youngsters have to make nowadays?

For the youth, career making is on the top priority, especially to choose the right career path. This task is daunting (= challenging, threatening) for their parents and themselves both. There are other essential decisions that seek a lot of attention. For example, when they are young and restless, they tend to remain overconfident and sometimes it costs them heavily in later years. Therefore, it’s for their good that they should be with the good company to set the right path.

Did you get advice from somebody before making crucial decisions? Why?

You bet (=absolutely)! My mother was always like a shadow to me; not in a nagging always believed myself right in all the decisions only to realize later in life that how I was wrong on my occasions whereas my mother has always been a farsighted (=foresight) gracious woman. I’m proud of consulting her whenever it need and I had always her back.

Why do people make wrong decision sometimes?

Well guess nobody does it on purpose, it just happens. Taking a right decision is little bit of speculations, sometimes it goes right and the other time it boomerangs (= backfire, recoil), too. People in most occasions analyze various aspects before deciding something important. Yet they fail because the right decision also depends upon many other external and internal factors. 


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