BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd May


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Rashiyu Taniya.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashiyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do people in your city like to go to parks?

 Oh yes, they do. Being a part of modern world everybody wants to become fit as a fiddle. So to rejuvenate themselves masses like to visit parks.

IELTS Speaking

Do you like to go to parks?

Ahaa, I love to. Initially because of academics, I wasn’t able to pay such a visit, however, after the completion of my 12th standard board exams, I often visit park which is at a stone’s throw from my home.

What do you do there?

Parks assists me to break my monotonous regime. To exemplify, I perform multifarious recreational activities such as playing badminton, hide and seek so on. Apart from this, whenever I feel gloomy, I usually walk on grass with bare feet, which relaxes me.

Did you use to go to parks as a child?

Of course, I live in a joint family so my grandmother always entices us to pay visit to the parks, therefore, my siblings and all cousins were habitual of visiting it every evening. This was the best part of my childhood too.

IELTS Speaking

What is your favorite park?

Umm, even though the park of my locality is so prevalent, however, it is often said that grass is always greener on other side. As a result, I like Nehru Park which is located in my friend’s locality.


Describe a movie you would like to watch again

You should say:

• What it was about

• When and where you watched it

• Who you watched it with

And explain why you would like to watch it again


IELTS Speaking

The name of the movie I would like to check out again is Love Rosie, a romantic comedy starring Sam Claflin and Lily Collins. Actually, it was an adaptation of a book called Where Rainbows End, which was an Irish best seller back in 2004.

I remember watching it for the first time in 2014, shortly after it hit the big screen. My movie buddy on that day was no other than my best friend, who was also a movie maniac like me. As we were going through some movie trailers on the internet, Love Rosie caught our attention with its stunning cinematography and catchy soundtrack. We quickly booked our tickets and went to the cinema hoping the movie wouldn’t disappoint us. Lucky enough, this movie far exceeded our expectations.

The plot was about 2 childhood friends who had feelings for each other but kept missing the chance to confess their love. In the end, they found the way back to each other and got married. It was a happy ending, but there were so many heart-breaking scenes that I cried my eyes out in the cinema.

About why I like it and want to re-watch it, I guess the main reason is the witty dialogue in the movie. The conversation between the main characters is simple, yet at the same time full of life lessons. I could relate to many of the words, and would love to watch it again to delve deeper into it. That is all I want to share about this movie, thanks for listening.

IELTS Speaking


What kinds of films do young people particularly like?

Young people like to watch movies based on reality or real-life incidents. Superhero and science fiction movies are also quite popular among youngsters. Other popular genres enjoyed by the young generation are comedy, romance, horror, and action.

Do fewer people choose to watch movies in cinemas than people did in the past?

No, I don’t think so. These days more people choose to watch movies in cinemas as compared to the past. People are leading a very busy and hectic life and going to cinemas to watch movies is a popular way that people choose for entertainment and for spending time with family and friends. Also, the ever-increasing multiplexes are evidence that people prefer going to cinemas despite the online streaming options like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc.

What are other ways to watch movies now?

Some other ways to watch movies are on TV, through the online streaming websites and apps like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime Video, etc. and through DVDs, which, however, is becoming less popular.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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