BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Ukraine Yuva.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ukraine.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking

Do you often visit your relatives?

No, I don’t often visit relatives. I visit them once or twice in six months.

What do you do when visit them?

Whenever we visit relatives, we have lots of fun. We visit some historical places, eat out, watch movies and do lots of other activities.

Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives, or your friends?

I prefer to spend time with my friends. I like the company very much. We have lots of fun together.

IELTS Speaking

Who is the more important to you, your relatives / your family, or your friends?

Both are important for me, but my friends are more important than my relatives. Of course, my immediate family is more important than friends.

Do you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I love going shopping. I love doing window shopping. I come to know about the latest trends on fashions going on. I feel like buying so many things, but I’m not earning yet, and so my pocket doesn’t allow me to buy everything.

Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?

I do not like to go shopping alone. The market is flooded with choices, and I find it very confusing to select things on my own.

IELTS Speaking


Describe an important technology product you bought.

You should say

– What it is

– How you use it

– Why you bought it

And why you think it is important


IELTS Speaking

In this era of technology, people are surrounded with several electronic items and love to update their gadgets by the passage of time. Although in my home, we have a variety of gismos like refrigerator, AC, washing machine and the list goes on but here, I would like to talk about a technical product that I purchased for my mother recently which is a microwave used to consume a lot of energythat affected our budget along with had a crack wire that may be dangerous for us. So, we decided to buy a new one. Moreover, we visited numerous shops for the same purpose.

Finally, we liked a microwave of Samsung Company in black colours due to its several features. Apart from this, it was pocket friendly for us to buy because of festive season. However, it s quite convenient to use and cook food within no time as compared to previous one which took a lot of time to prepare meals. Now, not only my mother but also me can cook food without any hindrance and worry of having a heavy electricity bill. Besides this, I can make several dishes at home which are liked by me a lot.

Making the long story short, it is an electronic item that I bought and proven really beneficial for me to enhance my cooking skills without any danger as now I am planning to move abroad for my hire study then it can be proven as a boon for me to cook food by myself rather than eating in hotels that is not hygienic.

Apart from this, now I am able to make those dishes at home which were difficult for me to do on flame like Cake, Pizza, Cookies and the list goes on in no time. Hence, it has facilitated my life a lot as I am a foodie person.

IELTS Speaking


Which technological product do you think is the most useful at home?

I think, it varies person to person as for me, it is my computer for my work purpose because without it, doing my work accurately will be a hard nut to crack, for my mother, and it might be washing machine to wash clothes. However, collectively, it is television that entertains us a lot and keeps up to date with recent occurring.

Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?

No, I don’t without any qualms; technology is gaining ground a lot and has facilitated our education system as well. Nevertheless, for strong, teachers are imperative as they go at the level of the student to make them understand things’ whereas, computers are set at a very high level which might not be understood by every student especially due/ones.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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