BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Madhvi Gooyenka.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Madhvi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking

Do you like to wear hats?

Yes, I wear hats when I go out in the sun, or when watching a match in the stadium.

What kinds of hats do you have?

I have a baseball cap, woolen caps for winters, a beret and some fashion hats.

Where do you like to buy hats?

I usually buy hats at a store where such accessories are available and some such stores are there in a nearby mall. I have also bought a couple of them online.

IELTS Speaking

Is wearing hats popular in your country?

Yes wearing hats is popular in India. In different states of India there are different types of hats that are a part of the traditional attire. These days hats are very popular among the young generation. They wear them as a fashion accessory.

When was the last time you went to a place where people go to dance in your country?

I have never been to any such place where people specially go to dance. In my country people specially go to dance in discos, pubs and clubs. But there are no such places in my home town. I love to dance on family functions.

When was the last occasion when you danced a lot?

The last occasion I danced a lot was last Sunday. It was my friend’s birthday. He invited us to his home. We danced a lot on that day.

IELTS Speaking


Describe a time that you arrived early

You should say:

• When it was;

• How early you arrived;

• Why you arrived early;

And explain how you felt about it.


So last week I actually had to show up early for my friend’s wedding party. And as her bestie, I think it’s my responsibility to help her have the best wedding ever, so on her wedding day, I decided to show up early and help her with all the preparations. I think it was about 5am when I arrived at the front door of her house. Actually, I’m quite the night owl, so it was a little difficult for me to get up that early but once I saw the big smile on her face I was completely awake and got to work right away.

So, the list of things-to-do was quite long, decorating the room with flowers, cleaning dishes, preparing the food, so I was really glad that I had decided to come early. By about 9am, after everything was thoroughly done, the wedding ceremony began in a very sincere and happy atmosphere.

Witnessing the bride and groom exchanging vows was quite emotional and I even shed a tear or two. I felt very happy for her that she’d finally found her Mr. Right. And after the wedding party, despite being exhausted, I was also quite relieved and delighted because I think my help was one of the factors that really made her day so special.

IELTS Speaking


When do you think people should arrive on time?

I think it’s respectful for students to arrive to class on time. As entering the classroom may cause a distraction for other learners, it’s critical to get in the classroom before the door officially closes. Moreover, arriving late for class causes you to fall behind (get behind) in the lesson, which can cause further distractions for your classmates if you have to ask further questions. Lastly, in my view, arriving early to class is a sign of respect for your teacher. Since they work hard to create time-sensitive lessons for us, I believe the least we can do is get there on time.

Why do people need to be on time?

I believe it’s a sign of respect for the other person. As humans, it’s common to occasionally get caught up in uncontrollable circumstances which cause us to be late, such as traffic jams or last-minute emergencies. This is certainly excusable. However, we could always try to plan to avoid being late not to waste the time of the person waiting for us. Furthermore, it shows the other person how responsible we are, which is critical if you are seeking employment or want to make a good impression (make something think well of you) on a teacher or boss.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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