BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st May


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Ukaviru Yavki.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ukaviru.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking

Is it good to be patient?

Of course, as it is linked with good physical and mental health. When a person cultivates positive thoughts from worst situations reflect his/her calm nature.

Were you patient as a child?

Yes, I was able to tolerate the things in my childhood rather than being annoyed that usually gave me tranquil of mind along with heart.

Are you always patient?

Frankly speaking, there are a plenty of thing which make me irritated specially, a thing which is told to me repeatedly. So, at that time, I burst into anger.

IELTS Speaking

Do people have pet?

Well, people love to keep pets these days to remove their isolation because they are good companion along with loyal.

Is it common to have pets in your country?

It is extremely common trend in India to raise pets for different purposes. Some people keep them to remove their loneliness as I mentioned earlier and for security of their houses.

What kind of pets do people keep?

Divergent kind of pets is kept by people like dogs, cats, rabbits and parrots. I think it’s totally dependingon the choice of people.

IELTS Speaking


Talk about an item that you received by mail, that arrived damaged.

Please say,

– What and when was it?

– Why was it damaged?

– How did you feel about it?


Shopping is a favourite leisure activity of some individuals. Moreover, it is increasingly becoming popular day by day.

Here I would like to share with you a time when I made a purchase on internet but I received the damaged product, I vividly remember, it was around a year ago, when are refurbished our home especially the living area and it went through lot of interior work and fancy false ceiling. After that refurbishment we decided to hang a chandelier in the living room. On weekend I went to market with my parents to buy a decent piece of chandelier, we went through various shops but we couldn’t find any good piece as some were out of budget while some were old fashioned.

IELTS Speaking

So, we came back home, I sat disappointed that I could not find any decent chandelier for the living room then my brother suggested me to browse through various furniture websites to get it and I did the same, I came across an eye-catching chandelier on a famous furniture website. I showed it to my parents and I placed on order.

The courier arrived three days in the evening when everyone was at home my father opened the courier; we also were excited to see the chandelier. However, all our excitement flew away when we saw the main part of the chandelier was damaged and it felt like bolt from the blue.

After thinking for a while my father suggested me to call to the customer service and inform them about the same. Without wasting any second I called to the customer service centre and they gave positive response and assured that within 2 days their employees will come at home and fix our problem.

After 2 days serviceman came and repaired a reinstated the chandelier to its original state and we took a sign of relief and thanked the person. I felt on top of the world as otherwise it would have been a bad decision to order online. Now chandelier is enhancing the beauty of living room. All in all, that was the time when I ordered something via mail and that arrived damaged.

IELTS Speaking


How important was the item to you?

It was imperative for me because we renovated the house and it was the part of an interior moreover, it was the only thing that would enhance the beauty of living area.

Did you tried to get in contact with the sender?

Well, I contacted to customer service centre when I got the product damaged to tell them either to replace it or repair it, instead of trying to contact with the sender. Moreover, on the invoice it was written for any queries or complaints contact to customer service centre.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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