BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th May


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Harriot Yakuza.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Harriot.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What is your favourite fruit?

I really love to eat apple. It is very healthy and is available all year long.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Why do you like it?

I like it both for the taste and nutritional value. Apples satisfy my need to eat something crunchy too. Because it takes a while to munch on one, I can control my appetite. Apples are one of the world’s healthiest foods.

Do you like sunny days?

Yes, I like sunny days, but only in pleasant and cold weather. I do not like sunny days in summers and hot weather

Do you like going (or, being) outside on sunny days?

Yes, I like being outside on sunny days. However, not during the summer season.

What do you like to do on sunny days (or, when you go outside)?

On sunny days, I sometimes like to sit out in the sun and read. Sometimes I go out and meet my friends in a park. Sometimes we plan a picnic on a nice sunny day.

What benefits can (or do) people get from sunshine? OR What benefits can (or do) we get from the sun?

There are many benefits of getting sunshine. We need sunshine to get the essential vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for Calcium absorption and can cause several medical problems.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a leader or politician who you admire.

You should say:

• Who is he/ she?

• What is so appealing about him?

• What type of leader is he/ she

And explain why you admire him /her.


I would like to talk about Mr. David Cameron, the former Prime Minister of the UK and I do believe that he is the most professional person that I have ever known in my life. First, I would like to get the ball rolling by touching on the matter of how I knew him. it was about 5 years ago more or less, when I travelled to England and had a chance to meet him in front of Number 10 Downing Street.

On the subject of his appearance, I must confess that I was struck by his powerful and presentable look at the first time seeing him. He was so charismatic and confident that everyone wanted to listen to him when he was talking as well as debating with others over political issues. As well as that, he was always cool headed in every situation because he weighed up the pros and cons before making any decision instead of jumping to a conclusion.

There are several reasons why I really admire Mr Cameron. First, he led his party in a democratic way. You know, he always listened to everyone’s opinions and commented fairly on them. Second, with his contributions to many areas, ranging from medicine to social welfare, the UK has become the fifth strongest economy globally.

For all these reasons, I want to reaffirm that David Cameron is the most honorable leader that I have ever met. And in the future, if I have a chance, I will go back to the UK to meet him once again.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Do you want to be a leader?

Definitely yes. When I was knee high to a grasshopper, I used to dream of becoming a leader in the political area, like a prime minister or a governor. You know, those positions give me a lot of power and a sense of pride.

What qualities should a leader have?

I believe to become a good leader, people need to have patience to overcome challenges during their leadership. Without patience, they easily make mistakes and inappropriate decisions. Another important thing is excellent presentation skills. As you know, it is important for a leader to deliver a plan or a strategy clearly to his colleagues and make sure that all members fully grasp it.

How do you think we can improve the leaders qualities?

Well, I do think that leadership skills can be polished via proper training and practice. For example, to become a good leader, people should engage in some courses about leadership in their free time. During such courses, they will be given more chances to practice their skills and learn new things about this interesting, but challenging skill.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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