BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st June


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Harishka Gayri.

How may I address you?

You May address me as Harishka

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like perfumes?

Definitely not! I have perfume intolerance, my nose id very sensitive to fragrances that every time I smell some perfume, especially if it’s a strong one, I get headaches and runny and stuffy nose.

Did you ever buy perfumes as a gift for someone?

Yes, I did. Gifting a perfume to someone is a sign of affection. Last year, it was my best friend’s birthday so I gifted her lavender perfume as it is believed that this fragrance assist to promote calmness and wellness.

Do you buy different perfumes sometimes? Why?

Like I said, I have perfume intolerance; therefore, I buy only natural perfumes that are in toxic. I usually prefer aromatic deodorants as compared to perfumes.

How do you manage your time?

Well, I strive my every nerve to stick to my daily tasks. I oftenly, prioritize my work because we are human beings and I usually have mood swings. In order to prevent regretful outcomes, I prioritize the work.

Do you prefer to be busy all the time or not?

Well, I prefer to be busy but not all the time. Although it is a good thing to remain occupied, however, one should also spend time by participating in recreational activities or meditation. It will enhance our abilities.

IELTS Speaking


Describe a shopping street you would like to go.

You should say:

• What is this place?

• Where is it situated?

• Why is it so popular?


Well I am gonna talk about Nguyen Trai street, which is one of the most crowded shopping streets of Ho Chi Minh city. I went there once, like, 3 years ago when I was a freshman at university. It was at the end of the first semester so I was swamped with assignments and revision. That’s why I decided to chill out after that nerve-racking time by wandering around my neighborhood with my besties and by chance, I found this shopping heaven.

Nguyen Trai shopping street is, more or less, 5 kilometers away from my house. It is located in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, which is really bustling with tons of people, noise and traffic. This street attracts a lot of visitors every day because of its variety of delicious food.

It has been 2 years since the last time I went there so I really hope that I can manage my timetable to have a day off and go back. You know, this street is well-known for the high-end products sold there, especially food and clothes. I plan to visit this street at the end of this month after I finish my project. At first, I thought that Nguyen Trai street was kinda boring because I didn’t feel comfortable in crowded places. However, after I went there once, this street turned out to be quite fabulous. Actually, I really want to go back to this place again and again in the future.

The reason is quite simple. I just want to go shopping around to relieve everyday stress and ease my mind after hard days at work. Besides that, I plan to go there with my family because I believe going shopping together is a good way for us to understand each other better.

IELTS Speaking


Do you think there is a change in the shopping style today?

Yes, of course. These days the average income of an Indian family has increased. This has brought about qualitative and quantitative changes in shopping. The people have started buying branded items and even their frequency has also increased.

Which categories of people do the bargaining these days?

Usually the people do not believe in bargaining. Now the people have started believing that bargaining means compromising with the quality of the product. But even today the illiterate and semi-qualified people believe in bargaining.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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