BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th June


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



My I know your full name?

My full name is Lovedeep Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Lovedeep.

May I see your ID?

Here is my passport.

Where are you from?

I am from Bathinda which is the city of lakes in Punjab.

Did your parents choose your secondary school (=high school) for you?

Yes, my parents chose my secondary school. My high school and primay school were the same.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?

I studied many subjects in secondary school like, social sciences, mathematics, the Hindi and English languages, science subjects like biology, chemistry, physics and geography, art and crafts, etc.

What was your favourite subject (=class) in secondary school? (=high school)

My favourite subject in secondary school was science. I like science subjects because I learned about the basic principles of the way things work all around us.

And which class (=subject) did you like the least? (Why?)

There wasn’t any subject I liked all the subjects in secondary school.

Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

I think all the subjects that we study in secondary school are useful for people in adult life. A strong foundation is built in primary and high school years that helps us throughout our life.

IELTS Speaking Interview


A sports center in your city

You should say:

Where it is;

How often you go there;

What people do there?

And explain why you think it is important


A sports Center has been recently inaugurated in the city, and I had a chance to visit it last month. I come to know about it through the local newspaper. The Sports Center was inaugurated by the famous hockey player Pargat Singh and is named after the hockey legend DhyanChand. Many different sports such as soccer and hockey are played at this stadium and it also has professional coaching staff.

One can go and learn different kinds of sports activities or just simply go and hangout with your friends. Since it opened, the Sports Center was on my must-visit rader. So, when I found out that The Chandigarh Tigers were playing Football in a friendly match on 20th August, I made it a point to buy tickets s that I could have fun at the new Stadium. I must say that when I arrived at the 10-hectare Stadium, I was swept away by the thrill and flurry that filled the air. There were football fans getting ready to come in to the support the Home team.

There were diners, shoppers families and the curious ones – like me all enthusiastic and impatient to visit our fresh sports icon. The Stadium comprises an extensive variety of venues, specifically, a 35,000-capacity stadium, 4,000-capacity Aquatics Center, 1,500-capacity Sports Arenas, a Water Sports Center, a Library and about 25,000 square meters of trading and dining hall. What I found the most incredible was the sight of the city skyline. It looked glorious and everyone felt stunned at that moment.

The greatest part about the new Sports Center is how close the Stadium is to the shopping area. It took me just five minutes to get from the shopping centre to my seat. I felt pleased that I has the chance to visit this remarkable stadium and be part of history, watching the first ever football game played in the new Stadium of the city.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Where do Indian people play support?

Indian people play sports in stadiums and playgrounds. Some people are also played on the streets. Street cricket is very popular in India.

What are the benefits of group sports?

Group sports teach us many things. They teach us cooperation. They also teach us sportsman spirit, which means winning with modesty and losing with grace.

How can children be benefited from doing sports?

Children can be benefited from sports in many ways. First of all sports keeps them physically and mentally fit. Then they learn how to compete and cooperate from sports. They can also learn many other skills like leadership skills, decision-making skills, sportsmanship etc.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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