BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th June


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Bot Yaku.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bot.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

Do you usually make your friends laugh?

Well, I try to but I don’t think I have a good sense of humour.

Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?

As I said earlier, I try my best to make people laugh but I don’t think my friends find my jokes funny.

Do you think it is important to laugh with friends?

Yes, it is very important to laugh with friends it helps in developing strong bonds.

Do you usually spend time by yourself?

Yes, I believe it is very important for everyone to spend some good time alone, so I usually give time to myself.

What did you do last time you were by yourself?

Ummm , Last time when I was alone, I did some drawing alongwith listening to my favourite music.

Do you like spending time by yourself?

Yes, I really enjoy being alone because it makes me feel relaxed.

IELTS Speaking


A time when you did not share a truth with your best friend

• What was it about

• Why you did not reveal

• How she/he felt about it


Trust is considered to be an important tool in one’s friendship which takes time and diligence to rebuild if lost. Here, I’d like to talk about a time when I tried to conceal a secret from a friend which had an adverse effect on our friendship. This incident happened a quite while ago when we were in university. It was during our results when I tried to keep my best friend’s poor grades confidential as she was enjoying her cousin’s wedding at that time.

As far as I remember, most of my friends were worried about their performance in the exams but my best friend had a different excitement since it was her relative’s wedding within two days. Though she was equally nervous about the results, she didn’t let her fear come between her ecstasies. When result was declared, all of my friends cleared the exams with flying colors. However, unfortunately her result was not up to the expectations.

So, I decided not to inform her about it on call as it might affect her joyful state of mind of wedding ceremonies. But unluckily she got this bitter news from other classmates. She was deeply affected by it as those results were going to have a major impact on our replacements. Initially, this situation was jeopardized our friendship and people tried to create misconceptions between us.

But after a couple of days, she considered my point of view and tried to understand it from my point of view. Finally, we apologized and promised to never conceal the truth from each other, no matter how bitter it would be.

IELTS Speaking


Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time?

Probably not. There are a few situations I can think of where it’s appropriate to lie, for example organizing a surprise party or to protect someone if their safety is being threatened. But these are more exceptional cases and most of the time I think society functions better when people are honest with each other. Honesty doesn’t necessarily mean being excessively blunt with someone, and tact usually goes a long way to protecting someone’s feelings when they’re being told something potentially painful. But this doesn’t mean the truth should be sugar coated to such a degree that the core message is lost.

Why do children tell lies?

Most children know when they’ve done something wrong, and know the consequence for their misdeeds is some form of punishment, which they’d like to avoid at all costs. So they lie. I remember when I was a kid and hadn’t done my homework for a class. I used a classic excuse and claimed my dog had eaten my homework despite the fact I didn’t even have a dog at the time! When the school called my parents to find out the truth, my lie was exposed and I was given detention as punishment.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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