BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th June


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Akaksha Dakshi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Akaksha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

When was the first time you took a taxi?

The last time I took a taxi was about two months ago. I went to Delhi to visit my relatives. I hired a cab from the railway station to their home.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses?

The advantages of taxi are that you don’t have to wait for the bus. You can start at anytime. A taxi takes you from one destination to the other whereas the bus will drop you at the bus stop.

Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city?

The bus service in my city is very good and frequent. The taxi service is also very good, but I normally take the bus as it is much cheaper.

Why do you think people love to dance?

People love to dance because they can express their joy. Dance is a form of expression. Dance is a good way to relieve tensions and worries. It also keeps the body fit.

Do you think children love to dance?

Yes, children love to dance because they can express their joy. Dance is a form of expression. Dance is a good way to relieve tensions and worries. It also keeps the body fit.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment

You should say:

• What equipment it was

• What problem you had

• When you had this problem

And explain what you did about this problem.


I am actually very quick when it comes to technology and devices, but I am going to tell you one time when I really couldn’t deal with a technical problem on my phone.

This story dates back to when I got my very first smartphone. You know, at that time, about 7 – 8 years ago, most students only had a basic phone, or, a dumbphone, which could only serve 2 or 3 functions. Having a brand new, updated iPhone seemed to be such a big deal, and I immediately became the target of jealousy when I brought my phone to school.

At first, it was really great to be the centre of attention, but after a while, I realised that my friends tried to download a ton of applications to my device. When I got my phone back, one of them secretly told me that a boy had installed a harmful app which would cause serious battery drain, and right after that, the phone shut down.

It came as a real shock to me as that was just the first day I had that phone. I was speechless for hours, paralysed with fright. I didn’t know how to tell mom and dad about the incident, because I was very sure they would kill me the second they found out about it. Also, I couldn’t get my phone fixed at the store because I was flat broke then. In that moment, I really thought that my life was over.

My desk mate noticed my silence and turned to see my eyes full of tears. I thought she was going to say something to cheer me up, but no, she just laughed so hard at me until my whole face turned red. I stopped crying and looked at her with curiosity, and she told me to turn my phone on. It worked. It turned out that I was actually fooled by my classmates. That’s how I fixed the problem with my phone, in such a surprisingly easy way. Thank you for listening.

IELTS Speaking Interview


How do you think modern technology has changed the way we work (compared to the past)?

Modern technology has revolutionized the world of work. Today, we can do in minute, what earlier used to take days. Maintaining ledger books has become a piece of cake. Automated machines are doing repetitive monotonous work and humans are enjoying a much more convenient life.

Do you think that operating equipment at work can ever have some bad effect on the body?

Yes. Operating equipment can have bad effect, if the persons are not trained to handle that equipment. Accidents can happen and people can lose their liver also if machines malfunction.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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