BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th June


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Tanishq Waqib.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tanishq.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where do you come from?

I hail from Punjab which is in Northern part of India…………. (Personal Answer)

Where do you live? In house or an apartment?

I live in a house with my family.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you plan to move in the future?

No, I don’t want or I would say I don’t have a plan to move from my Adobe (place) because I born and brought up here and I have a lot of memories which are connected.

Do you use a watch?

Yes, I wear a watch on daily basis so that I can complete my all the chores on time.

Is there a tradition in your country like bring on time?

Yes, I think it is a kind of tradition to do the things on time because from childhood to do a thing on time.

Are you usually on time or late?

I like to do the things before the time and if I have to go or visit a place, I like to go there before the time. That’s why I can say I do the things on time and I regard myself to be punctual.

When you were a child did you eat a lot of foreign food

 No, when I was a child I use to eat healthy food at that time my mother always told me benefits of healthy food and she offered me healthy food.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say:

• Who the person is

• When you met the person at the first time

• What the person’s character

And explain how you feel about the person.


I’d like to tell you about a man who used to be a role model for me when I was growing up, and that is my older brother. I have to say that I really looked up to him. He is 8 years older than me, and we took different paths. He is tall, strong, charming and extremely confident. His appearance and strength slightly resembles the Superman that often appeared on TV throughout my childhood.

In school he wasn’t good in academic subjects like math or physics, but he was highly capable in all kinds of sport, which was completely diametrical to me. I was born small and weak, but fortunately I could pick up words and solve math problems a little bit faster than my peers. However, as you can easily guess, it was my brother that all girls in my school paid attention to.

He was also a leader of his own gang. I know a gang sounds a bit naughty but they didn’t cause any problems to the local community or anything. Rarely did I see him walk alone, there were always some cool-looking dudes accompanying him, like following an alpha wolf. He often got involved in a fight to prove his power in school, and I never saw him lose. Of course, my father, who is a high school teacher, didn’t like that. He often punished my brother in the hope of changing his eldest son into something “better”, like me, without knowing that it was my brother that I admired so much.

However, my brother was stubborn, so despite all my father’s efforts, he didn’t change a bit, at least not until he got seriously injured in a fight with 20 gangsters. After that, he transformed into a different person. Now he has his own family, a wife and a son. If you look at him now, you would never guess that mature man used to do a bunch of crazy stuff. I still look up to him, but no longer because of all those badass things from the past. Now I admire his calmness and confidence when facing a difficult situation, and I’m happy that my brother has changed in a positive way.

IELTS Speaking Interview


The disadvantages of being beautiful

There are a number of demerits of being beautiful like as: sometimes a beautiful person feels uncomfortable when someone sees in a dirty way and misbehave with him or her as well as, beautiful people always received unwanted attention from the opposite gender. Many times folks judge the ability to see the beauty and, beautiful humans do more and more hard work to represent their talents and many other things.

Should clothes selling companies hire beautiful models? Why?

Nowadays, everyone wants to look pretty and beautiful and clothes selling companies can hire beautiful models and shoot some pictures and advertisements, when people watch and see the posters and advertisements; they attract from advertisements as well as, buy more and more products. The selling rate of companies grows up fastly and companies get high-level profit so, they should hire some models.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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