BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th June


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Ravuifare fare.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ravuifare.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you often come into contact with children?

Yes, I often come in contact with children. There are some that live in my neighborhood and some of my relatives have children, whom I meet often.

What do you do when you are with these children?

When I meet these children, I usually play with them, sometimes at home and sometimes I take them to the park.

Do you get along well with children?

Yes, I think I get along well with children.

How often do you play with children?

I play with children quite often, twice or thrice a week.

What kind of child were you?

From what I am told by my parents, I was a very active child. I liked to play outdoors a lot and was very fond of going to the park. I was not too naughty as a child and listened to my parents most of the times.

How do you think children in the future will play?

I think children will play more indoor games in the future. There would be more advanced options for video games and gaming consoles.

Do you think children today benefit from modern technology?

Yes, definitely. Children are greatly benefitted from the modern technology. Technology is used in every field and children need to be techno-savvy. Also, technology is used in classrooms not to make the learning more interesting and effective for the children.

IELTS Speaking


Describe an important conversation that influenced you

– when this happened

– who you were talking to

– what you talked about

– how this conversation influenced you


Man is a social animal and conversations are a part of life. I’ve had many conversations in my life, but here I would like to talk about a conversation, which influenced me a lot. This conversation was with my cousin, Suman, who had come from Canada. She went to Humber College, Canada two years ago for her higher education.

She came to our house to pay a visit. We chatted with each other for a long time. She told me all about her life in Canada. I asked her many questions about the education there and about any problems she faced there. She told me all about the education there is very good. They focus on the practical side and teach in a more interesting way. She also told me that she worked part time for 20 hours a week during her studies. She managed to earn for her overhead expenses by this.

She told me that initially she faced many food problems. Actually, vegetarian food outlets are not easy to find over there. Now she cooks for herself, as everything is available in the Indian stores over there. She told me that her education is almost over, and now she is looking for a full-time job.

After that she will be able to apply for PR over there.  She motivated me to pursue my higher education in Canada. She even talked to my parents about it. Today, I am in front of you, taking my IELTS, just because of the influence of that conversation.

IELTS Speaking


What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?

Chatting is general talk on various topics, whereas gossiping is talking about other people behind their back. Chatting has a positive connotation, whereas gossiping has a negative connotation.

Who do you prefer chatting with – your parents or your friends?

I prefer both equally. I talk to my parents about my day today’s happenings, whereas I discuss studies, sports and movies etc. with friends.

How do most people make new friends in your country?

Most people make new friends in schools and colleges, while attending family functions or other social functions or while travelling in public transportation.

IELTS Speaking


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