BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th July


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Yafgi Tagi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yafgi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you often use a dictionary? If yes. How often and what for?

Yes. I use the dictionary daily. I am a student, and my all subjects are in English. So to check the exact meaning of the word, I use a mobile dictionary.

Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper?

Today’s era is the era of technology. So I like to use E- dictionary because it is easy to carry we don’t need to take an extra bag. I installed a dictionary app on my mobile phone. I use an electronic dictionary because it saves time. We can simply type words in the search box, and I get results within seconds after pressing the search button, but it is not possible in the paper dictionary because we have to search word one by one which consumes a lot of time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift. How would you feel?

I feel happy and appreciate his/ her thought of giving a dictionary as a gift. It is a precious gift for me because through it. I can improve my vocabulary.

Do you think it would be interesting to write a dictionary?

Well, I think it is not only interesting, but a stressful job to write a dictionary. People who use it do blindly trust on the writer that he/she writes the right meaning of the word. Moreover, the writer gets a chance to get new information about a word.

What kind of person do you think writes a dictionary?

Well, it is a very tough job to write a dictionary because a person who writes a dictionary have to know the origin of the word, meaning and its usage. So I think. a patience person and person who have excellent knowledge about the words can write a dictionary.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an experience where you were late for an event

You should say:

• When did this happen.

• Why were you late.

• What consequence have you caused.

• How you felt afterwards.


I am an organised person and tardiness is not my problem. But I’d be lying if I told you that I am never late.

As a matter of fact, there was a time that I wasn’t on time for the job interview. It was just a couple of months ago when I was in search of a new part-time job to gain experience in my career. There was a position in a company whose job description perfectly suited my needs and qualifications. I truly wanted to get the job. I completed an application form online right after I was informed there was a vacancy.

To my surprise, just a day after that, they called me for an interview at 9 the next morning. I was exhilarated to hear the news and prepared everything carefully the night before the meeting. I chose what to wear, ironed the set of clothes to leave a good impression on the interviewer, I also put a notebook and a pen in my purse in case I had to take notes during the interview.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When everything was done, I set the alarm at 7am so that I wouldn’t rush having breakfast and headed to the firm. However, the problem was that I forgot to charge to phone and it ran out of battery during my sleep. Therefore, it didn’t go off the next morning. I overslept and woke up at 9am in frustration. I decided that I’d rather stay at home than appear as an irresponsible latecomer in the eye of others.

I did wonder if I should ask them to postpone the interview, but I couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse, so I just let it go. The consequence was that I missed the chance to do the job that I desperately wanted. I felt ashamed of myself for making such a silly mistake, but I did learn from it. I am now much more careful when it comes to similar situations.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Would you forgive those who are late?

To be honest, it is hard for me to feel any sympathy for them. It seems that those who are usually late always find an excuse for their lateness. Some of the reasons, like traffic jams or transportation breakdowns, may make sense, but they can be made up just to cope with the situation. I think, if they know how to manage their time better; the lateness can be improved easily.

What would you do if others are late?

Although I often lose my temper if I have to wait for someone for more than 15 minutes, (but) I still think it is necessary to ask them for the reason. In fact, showing irritation in such situation can be an immediate reaction to the late comers, but being unable to put our emotion under control may result in worsening the relationship we have built up over a long time.

What are the reasons for being late?

Well, I think such reasons can be classified into 2 groups, the external and internal ones. The former may include the impacts from the outside such as traffic congestion, transportation breakdowns while the latter may come from the late comers themselves. You know, some people are often late just because of their poor time management or bad habits like getting up late or lagging behind in every activity.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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