BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th July


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Tag Tak.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tag.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?]

I do not use a landline that much except for some official purposes, but I use a mobile phone very extensively and daily.

I use the mobile phone to make or receive calls, send or receive text messages and sometimes to use the internet. I often play games on my mobile phone and listen to my favourite music. There is scarcely any day when I do not use it.

IELTS Speaking

Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]

I believe that would be my mom. She is very close to me and starts worrying if she does not hear from me for more than a few hours. She calls me a few times each day whenever I am out and I can tell her virtually anything. For these reasons, she is the person I spend the most time talking to on a telephone or on a mobile phone.

When do you think you’ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]

I will call my mom after I leave the exam hall to let her know that I am fine and my exam went very well. I will call her as I am sure she is eagerly waiting to hear from me and to know how well I had performed in the exam.

Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, sometimes sending a text message is more convenient and makes more sense than calling someone. For instance, if I’m in a meeting or in a crowded place, I would prefer SMS than phone calls. Moreover, if I need to send an address, a number or an email ID, I would rather send a text message than to call the intended recipient.

IELTS Speaking


Talk about an important thing that you had forgotten about until recently.

– what is it

– why did you forget about it

– what was your reaction when you remember?


Although, I am not a very forgetful person and I try to remember all the important events, still there are times when I forget certain events, which make me repent later on. One such thing, which had totally slipped my mind, was my mother’s birthday. My mother’s birthday is on the 16th of September.

Usually I buy a small inexpensive gift for her every year. But, last year on her birthday, I had decided in my mind that I would save all my pocket money and buy her a fully automatic washing machine.

Actually I see her every day doing all the household chores. She doesn’t say anything, but I can see that she gets tired by all this washing and cleaning and cooking. But, I totally forgot about it and did not do any savings and kept spending all my pocket money. DA few days ago, it was my friend’s mother’s birthday. She bought a beautiful suit for her mother and showed it to me. At that moment I remembered that I too had to buy a washing machine for my mother. I felt very guilty. Now I have started saving all my pocket money. I don’t eat any candies and chocolates, which are my favourite.

I still have six months with me before her birthday. I have enquired from the market. The very basic fully automatic machine is for Rs. 15,000. I get 2000 Rupees every month as pocket money. I heaved a sigh of relief that I have remembered well in time. Now I can save 12,000 and the rest I will borrow from my brother. Thankfully, now I know that I will be able to make my mother happy. I am sure she will love her gift.

IELTS Speaking


What do people do to remember things?

People do many things to remember things. Some people use technology, like they set up reminders on their cellphones and computers, to remember important events or meetings. Some people make ‘To-Do lists’, for things they need to do in a day or a week. Some people make timetables. Some people make use of sticky notes and put on refrigerators and other places, where they can come across them.

Why do old people forget about things easily?

Old people suffer from memory related problems, like dementia, Alzheimer’s, so they forget about things easily. Forgetfulness comes with old age, because of the physiological changes in the body, leading to some organs, like the brain, not functioning like it does at a young age.

IELTS Speaking

What types of tips do you use to keep things in mind?

To keep things in mind, I usually make lists and set up reminders. I have a planner, which I have pasted on the wall of my room and I note down important things and events on it.

What kinds of things people can do to prevent bad memory?

People do many things to prevent bad memory. Some people play games, like brainteasers, puzzles, Sudoku, etc. which stimulate the brain activity and keeps their mind active. These days there are many such games available on the Internet and on cell-phones, like memory games, puzzles, etc. It has been scientifically proven that memory related problems can be caused by stress and lack of sleep. So, managing stress, getting regular exercise and getting sufficient sleep can also help reduce bad memory.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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