BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th July


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Atary Bhayu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Atary.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like bags?

I like the bags. I carry different bags for different occasion such as I use the tote bag for shopping because I have to carry lots of items. Clutch for parties and backpack for office/ school.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What type of bags do you like?

I usually carry a backpack purse because I can carry all the things, so don’t have the need to carry extra plastic bags.

Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?

Well, no, when I go out with my family for shopping, dinner, I do not carry a bag, but when I go out to attend parties, then I have a purse.

What do you put in these bags?

One thing is the same that I carry in my all bags that is a mobile phone. For work, I put essential files in the bag/ for college; I put books and stationery in my bag. I put some money in the bag whenever I go out shopping.

What sort of bags do women like to buy.

Well, it is the individual’s choice to purchase bags, but in the case of women, I think they buy big bags for shopping and travelling, but for parties, they buy clutch according., to their dress colour. Some women are brand conscious, so they buy always branded bags.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an activity that is a little expensive

You should say:

– What it is;

– How much it usually costs;

– Who you usually do it with;

And explain why you like to do this activity.


IELTS Speaking Interview

There are many hobbies, activities and sports that are expensive to pursue. Some of these are sports like golf and hobbies like photography. These days eating out and watching a movie in cinema has also become a little expensive. I would like to speak about an activity that I often do, which is a little expensive. It is eating out at a local restaurant, in the hotel Cabanna. It is an expensive activity because one meal there costs around Rs. 1000 per person. I usually go there with my family and friends, to celebrate special occasions.

We celebrate special occasions there around 3-5 times a year. I like eating there with family or friends because their food is really tasty and they are very consistent in terms of the quality of their food and the taste. Also, the ambience there is very nice. Their restaurant is very tastefully decorated. They have very nice works of art that are big paintings that are hung on the walls. I am always fascinated by these beautiful paintings. They have live music playing every evening, which adds to the experience of eating there. They have recently added a menu in which there are dishes that have pure gold as an ingredient.

These dishes are very expensive. A famous chef, Chef Harpal, has created these dishes. Whenever we go there, we enjoy the food, the live music and the beautiful ambience that is created by the lighting, furniture and other décor. Even though it is an expensive activity, we visit it once every 2 or 3 months.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What sports are popular in your country?

There are many sports that are popular in my country, like cricket, hockey, football, kabaddi, badminton, swimming, wresting, etc. In fact cricket is followed like a religion in India.

What are the major differences between ‘extreme sports’ and ordinary sports?

The major difference between extreme sports and ordinary sports is the risk of injury is higher in the former. Most of the ordinary sports can be played anywhere there is open space. However, the extreme sports require a specific kind of a location and proper set up, with all the safety and security measures followed.

IELTS Speaking Interview

For example, cricket can be played in any open space; children in India also play it on the streets. However, bungee jumping cannot be performed anywhere and without a proper guide, safety equipment, the right setup and an instructor.

What do you think of expensive sports?

I think that the expensive sports are as good as any other sports. However, everyone can’t afford playing them. These sports require special equipment and a special kind of an environment that makes them expensive. For example, golf. A golf set is very expensive and getting access or a membership to a golf range also costs a great deal. However, the health benefits of this sport can be compared to any other sport.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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